What’s an autoresponder?

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Autoresponders automatically generate responses when receiving information, commonly used in email management and customer service. They can also be used for marketing and managing admissions. Early versions returned errors, while modern versions confirm receipt and provide content-based responses. They save time and allow people to manage emails even when unavailable.

An autoresponder is a program that automatically generates a response when it receives information. The classic use of autoresponders is in email management, but these programs can also be found on websites. This type of program can be a very useful and powerful tool for everything from Internet marketing to managing admissions to a university. Many people have encountered some version of the autoresponder at some point in their lives.

Early versions of these programs were designed to return errors when an email could not be delivered, to alert the sender of a problem. After the mail delivery system makes several attempts, it instructs the autoresponder to contact the sender and inform them that the email was not delivered. The cause of the error could also be detailed so that the sender knows why the error occurred and how it could be prevented in the future.

This concept also began to be adopted by people who wanted to send instant replies when receiving emails to let senders know that the email was received and a response could be expected. These autoresponders are commonly used on customer service sites to let people know that their inquiries have been received and will be processed within a certain amount of time. This technique is also used in marketing so that when someone makes a contact attempt, that contact is immediately returned and reinforced.

People can use autoresponders to manage their email even when they are out of the office or unavailable. While on vacation, many people set up autoresponders so that when they receive emails, senders know why a personal response won’t be immediately available. People who are particularly interested in responding to emails and inquiries can activate the autoresponder when they are not available, even if it is only briefly during a meeting or at lunch.

Content-based programs are also available. For example, when someone wants to unsubscribe from a mailing list, the server will generate an autoresponder to confirm that the person’s name and email have been removed. These content-driven autoresponders allow people to focus on emails and issues that need to be addressed personally, while saving time at the office. Programs on websites often perform the same function, walking users through basic questions to see if the autoresponder can help before a real person has to get involved.

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