An emergency fund is recommended to cover three to eight months of living expenses in case of job loss or unexpected expenses. Start by opening a separate savings account and determining the amount to be regularly deposited. It may take years to build, but it can protect against financial disasters.
An emergency fund is a cash reserve held in case an emergency arises that leads to a loss of income. In general, it is recommended that individuals or families save three to eight months of living expenses in a savings account to stay afloat after a job loss or unexpected major expense. This savings account is known as an emergency fund and should not be touched unless absolutely necessary.
To start an emergency fund to protect yourself against future money problems, start by opening a separate savings account at a bank. Determine the amount of money that can be regularly deposited into the account, either biweekly or monthly. It may be necessary to take a close look at spending to determine where cuts can be made. It may be beneficial, then, to set up an automatic withdrawal from a checking account to a savings account each time a paycheck is deposited. That will make the absence of money less noticeable, especially if it’s a relatively small percentage that will add up over time.
It is also necessary to determine the amount of money that is needed to survive for a certain period of time. Again, factor in monthly expenses, select groceries, mortgages, gas, medications, and groceries that are absolutely necessary, and add those up. The emergency fund should be able to cover at least three months of these needs.
Keep in mind that an emergency fund can take years to build. It’s important to fund a retirement account at the same time, especially if a company offers some type of matchmaking program. Also, those with large amounts of credit card debt may want to focus on paying that off first. That’s because it doesn’t make a lot of financial sense to have thousands of dollars in an emergency fund earning only three percent interest, while a credit card company is charging 18 percent interest or more on a high balance. .
There are many benefits to having an emergency fund. If you lose a job, have a medical emergency, or a home needs expensive repairs, the emergency fund can be used without having to take out a loan or run up large balances on a credit card. Careful money management and a regular review of spending can go a long way toward financing the future. An emergency fund is only one part of successful finances, but many people believe that it is the most important part of protecting themselves against disasters.
Smart Asset.