Emotional disorder in children affects mental and social skills and is not linked to a physiological defect in the brain. The United States Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) includes it as a qualifying disability for government support. Symptoms include difficulty maintaining relationships, melancholic temperament, improper conduct, social anxieties, hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggression, and withdrawal. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent harmful consequences. Children with severe emotional disturbance are eligible for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) under the IDEA, and family support is essential.
Emotional disorder is a form of disorder often seen in children who are of age educationally. The disorder is most often associated with mental and social skills, or lack thereof, and is not linked to a physiological defect in the brain. The United States Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) has included this disorder as a qualifying disability for children to receive government support.
The IDEA describes a child as having emotional disturbances when his or her learning disability is not due to physiological or logical reasons. It is also observed that the child has difficulty maintaining a relationship with a person, much less creating an initial bond. A persistent melancholic temperament can also be observed, as well as improper ways of conduct in normal and habitual situations. The formation of social anxieties can also be associated with this mental disorder. All of this can hinder a child’s ability to develop and learn in school.
Both parents and teachers should be on the lookout for other symptoms that may indicate an emotional disturbance. Aside from the above description, a child may also display bouts of hyperactivity, be impulsive and have a shorter attention span. At times, he can be overly aggressive, both towards his peers and towards himself. Conversely, a child may be very private, choosing to isolate themselves especially at gatherings such as parties and gatherings. Associated with both aggression and withdrawal are juvenile behaviors, such as tantrums and screaming.
Emotional disturbance can lead to harmful consequences, so early diagnosis is crucial. This is especially important, as many children do not usually have symptoms and the diagnosis may be too late. Children with emotional disorders may not only suffer from learning and other school-related problems, but also from psychological difficulties, such as low self-esteem. If the disorder isn’t treated early, it can lead to other psychological disorders, such as bipolar disorder, body dysmorphia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
In the United States, children whose emotional disturbance is severe are eligible for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) under the IDEA. The IEP ensures that the child not only receives a personalized education adapted to his situation, but that his social, emotional and mental problems are also addressed. In some cases, the child may be taught specialized skills in order to build his self-esteem and sense of purpose in his daily life. In addition to the IEP, the child’s family should also play a very important role in his journey to treatment. Constant communication and interaction with familiar people have a strong effect on a child suffering from emotional disorders.