Enterocutaneous fistula is an abnormal connection between the intestine and skin, caused by surgery, injury, or illness. Symptoms include fever, abdominal tenderness, and drainage of intestinal matter. Treatment involves draining the wound, antibiotics, and surgery if necessary. The fatality rate is 5-20%.
An enterocutaneous fistula is an abnormal connection between the large or small intestine and the skin and allows the contents of the intestinal tract to leak out of the body through a gash, opening, or wound. The condition occurs due to surgical procedures, traumatic injuries, or illnesses. Enterocutaneous fistulas are difficult to treat and have a high mortality rate.
The condition can occur for various reasons. An enterocutaneous fistula could occur after surgery. Patients receiving anticancer therapy in the form of abdominal radiation are at risk of developing an enterocutaneous fistula. Individuals who have inflammatory bowel conditions and people who have sustained injuries to the abdomen from traumatic injuries, such as a stab wound or gunshot wound, are also at risk.
A patient who has an enterocutaneous fistula may have high levels of white blood cells, fever, tenderness in the abdominal area, and obvious drainage of intestinal matter from the wound. Some patients become dehydrated or malnourished. Others develop infections at the site of the injury.
Sepsis, which is a disease caused by bacteria in the bloodstream, is a serious complication of enterocutaneous fistula. The major organs of the body shut down and the body goes into shock due to low blood pressure levels. Sepsis can lead to death.
A doctor can diagnose an enterocutaneous fistula by examining the patient’s physical symptoms. He may also conduct further tests to find out exactly where the fistula has occurred. Many of these tests include gastrointestinal contrast studies, computed tomography (CT) scans, and ultrasounds.
Doctors address the condition by draining the abscess wound and giving the patient nutrients and fluids to combat nutritional imbalances and malnutrition. They may also prescribe antibiotic medications to control infections. Fistulas that do not respond to therapy within four to six weeks require more drastic treatment methods.
Surgeons may operate on the fistula to close it if needed, particularly if the wound appears to be growing more infected or is developing gangrene. Part of the intestinal tract and fistula may need to be removed to keep the infection under control if the wound fails to heal. Doctors can also close enterocutaneous fistulas using fibrin glue, which is a biological adhesive.
The prognosis for recovery varies by patient. The fatality rate is typically 5-20 percent. Most patients who succumb to complications from enterocutaneous fistulas usually die from fluid or electrolyte loss, sepsis infections, and malnutrition. People who were generally healthy before developing a fistula have a very good chance of making a full recovery.