Extraordinary income is an unusual gain resulting from unlikely circumstances, such as selling idle real estate, and requires special tax treatment. It is not recurring and must be declared separately. Companies must also disclose it in annual reports or press releases for investors. Extraordinary losses, such as damage from natural disasters, can also be declared. Companies may need to adjust their tax estimates and use losses to offset tax burdens.
Extraordinary income is an unusual gain that results from unusual circumstances that are unlikely to recur. For example, if a corporation sells idle real estate, this would generate income for the company, but it would be extraordinary, because it is unlikely to continue to sell real estate on a regular basis. Such income receives special treatment for tax purposes in recognition of the fact that it is unusual. It must be declared separately and may have to be handled with care. An accountant can help determine if something qualifies as extraordinary income and how to treat it on tax returns.
This type of income is not recurring. It does not represent a regular and repeatable source of income. Things like insurance settlements and asset sales qualify, while consulting fees, bonuses, and increased income from increased sales do not. On the other hand, companies can also declare extraordinary losses, such as damage caused by a natural disaster. Since such losses can be difficult to predict and have an impact on the material financial health of the company, they can be considered extraordinary.
In the case of publicly traded companies, there are several obligations regarding extraordinary income. Like other companies, they must declare the profit on tax returns and pay the corresponding taxes. In addition, they must discuss extraordinary income in annual reports or press releases for investors. This makes people with shares in the company aware of the fact that it experienced a windfall that is unlikely to be repeated. Investors may need to know about this because it could affect the value of the company and its shares.
Receiving large, unexpected payments in a year can throw off a company’s books. Companies that pay estimated taxes may need to repeat the estimate to provide accurate payments to tax officials. They could also end up with an unusually large tax burden, which they may try to offset with cancellations. It is not uncommon for companies to report windfall income and loss at the same time, using the losses to smooth out the tax burden associated with the income.
Sometimes extraordinary income is not controllable. Businesses that receive an insurance payment, for example, may not have the option of accepting installments to spread their tax liability over multiple years. In other cases, it is possible to make adjustments, such as not selling all the assets at once.
Smart Asset.