HP handheld computers are smaller than laptops and have a large screen and keyboard. The last model was the HP 660Lx in 2005, and HP has since shifted focus to other small devices like netbooks and smartphones. HP no longer offers support for handhelds, and they are difficult to find.
A handheld computer, also known as a handheld personal computer (PC), is a type of computer that is smaller than a laptop or netbook and is designed to fit easily in the palm of your hand. Hewlett Packard® (HP®) handhelds typically come in five major flavors and come in a number of different models. HP handhelds are distinguished from other handheld PCs by their large screen and keyboard. The last HP handheld to be released was the HP 660Lx in 2005. Advances in personal digital assistants (PDAs) and smartphone technology have played a large part in eliminating handhelds from the mainstream market.
The HP 660Lx has a 256-color display shown in a 640×240 pixel video graphics (VGA) array, a fax and modem card, internal memory, and a number of productivity software packages. This HP handheld uses Windows® CE 2.0, a built-in Windows® operating system (OS) that should be familiar to most Windows® users. There are three different input methods with an HP handheld: touchscreen, stylus, and keyboard.
Earlier models of the HP handheld, such as the HP 200Lx and 300Lx, have case designs that aren’t as streamlined as the HP 660Lx. Processor speed was 7 megahertz (MHz), compared to 75 MHz offered by the HP 660Lx. Across the product line, HP® has continually enhanced its handhelds for faster processor speeds, more internal memory, and additions to productivity software. HP® considers its handhelds to be vintage handheld computers and is no longer developing new revisions to the HP handheld line. The HP Omnigo was a small line of handhelds, but like the main line of handhelds, HP hasn’t kept up with the Omnigo series.
HP® has shifted its focus from the HP line of handhelds to other small devices. Netbooks, smartphones, and PDAs are taking the place of PDAs, and it doesn’t appear that HP® currently offers support for these devices. Purchasing an HP PDA might prove difficult. They are not offered on the HP® site and are hard to find anywhere other than eBay where most of them are used. Given how long it’s been since the last revision, it might be a challenge to find a fully functional handheld.