HTML color tables use hexadecimal notation to indicate colors through red, green, and blue values. They provide a range of colors and their corresponding hexadecimal notation. A value of “00” means no color, while “FF” means the highest possible value. HTML color tables usually display a limited range of colors and can guide someone using HTML.
Because of the way different colors are referred to in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), an HTML color table is commonly used to make it easier to select different tones. HTML uses a hexadecimal notation or “hex” to indicate a particular color through the use of red, green and blue (RGB). Each of these three colors is indicated as two digits for a total of six values; this is “hexa-” in hexadecimal and uses a combination of numbers and letters. An HTML color table is basically a visual aid that provides different colors along with the hexadecimal notation for each.
The layout of an HTML color table is usually quite simple, providing a range of colors in a similar way to a basic color wheel or list table. HTML is typically used in website building, and most fonts and other materials on a site appear black as the default color. To change the color of an object created in HTML, a hexadecimal value must be assigned which is read by a web browser or other program.
The hexadecimal values used in an HTML color table aren’t particularly complicated, but they can be hard to remember. As the “hexa-” prefix indicates, these notations include six total digits, which can be letters or numbers. The six digits of a hexadecimal or hexadecimal notation in an HTML color table indicate the amount of red, green, and blue or RGB present in a particular color. Red is indicated by the first two digits, green by the middle two digits, and the amount of blue is based on the last two digits.
A value of “00” in hexadecimal notation is the lowest possible value, and in an HTML color table it does not indicate any amount of that color. This means that a hexadecimal notation of “000000” has no red, green, or blue and therefore displays as black. The highest possible value in this type of hexadecimal notation is “FF,” which indicates as much color as possible. A hexadecimal notation of “FFFFFF” in an HTML color table indicates white, the highest possible value of all three colors combined.
Through this hexadecimal notation it is possible to create many different tones and shades, which are usually displayed in an HTML color table. Instead of showing every possible combination, however, these tables usually show a limited range or palette that is functional and can guide someone using HTML. Many tables display 216 colors that were considered “web-safe” when monitors had a more limited potential palette. There are millions of colors that can be created in hexadecimal notation, although the difference between “0010FF” and “0011FF” is very difficult to perceive.