What’s an igloo?

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An igloo is a dome-shaped structure made of compressed snow blocks without mortar or support. It is associated with Inuit culture and is a great insulator. Some igloos are temporary structures for hunters and travelers, while others are permanent and can hold a crowd.

An igloo is a structure built with blocks of compressed snow that are carefully shaved and positioned to fit optimal locations. Igloos are closely associated with Inuit culture, although many Native North American peoples built igloos, some of which were quite large and elaborate. Examples of igloos can still be seen today in more remote areas of North America, and people in snowy regions sometimes enjoy building models of these interesting structures in the winter. An igloo can also be called a snow house.

A classic igloo is shaped like a dome, with the ice blocks arranged in a spiral. The roof has a small hole for ventilation and the entrance is dug out of the snow so that it is lower than the igloo itself. This creates a cold trap, ensuring that the ambient temperature inside the igloo remains relatively warm. Some igloos, in fact, become quite temperate inside, thanks to body heat and the use of heated stones to raise the internal temperature.

The building process involved in making an igloo is quite remarkable. The blocks are cut from highly compacted snow, ensuring their strength, and the structure is built without the use of mortar or supports. Once the igloo is finished, the people inside actually contribute to its strength and stability, because the heat causes the internal blocks to begin to melt, while the cold refreezes the melted water, creating a smooth ice sheet that insulates further the igloo.

A basic igloo stays warmer than the outside because snow is a great insulator, and some North American natives also added hides and furs to the lining of their igloos to make them extra warm. Sitting on the raised deck at the back of the igloo, people could have taken advantage of one of the hottest spots in the facility. Even with the vent for ventilation, an igloo can get quite stuffy inside, but considering the ambient temperatures outside, most people think it’s worth it.

Some igloos are built as temporary structures for the use of hunters and travelers and tend to be smaller and less elaborate than permanent igloos. A permanent igloo is a much larger one designed to hold a crowd and to connect with other igloos, including temporary structures built for festivals and special events. Often multiple families or groups shared the same igloo, with some permanent igloos having divided rooms to make it easier to share space.

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