The article discusses various mischievous creatures in folklore, including goblins, imps, leprechauns, fairies, and pixies. These creatures are often depicted as tricksters and pranksters, and may be associated with witches and warlocks. They are typically small and immortal, and may be depicted in art and architecture.
In Germanic folklore, a goblin or sometimes demon is a small demon that is more mischievous than harmful. Various versions of imps also appear in the folklore of some other regions of the world, often as attendants to the gods. The behavior of leprechauns is said to be wild and often out of control, and many myths describe the creatures who enjoy pranks and tricks, leading to the use of the word “mischievous” to describe people who love mischief.
According to tradition, imps are often very small. Representations of imps in art and sculpture tend to show them on a much smaller scale than other beings, and are often not very attractive to look at. Some myths also describe fey being trapped inside objects, such as swords, books, and crystal balls. In some cultures, imps were believed to be the assistants of witches and warlocks. Witch hunts often sought out familiar spirits such as imps in an attempt to doom their victims.
In some cultures, fairies are analogous to leprechauns. They both share a sense of being free-spirited and fun-loving, although some people associate fairies specifically with good, rather than mischief, as is the case with leprechauns. Pixies and fairies both enjoy tricking people in the folklore of many traditions and may be involved in pranks, baby swapping, and similar activities. Sometimes, these pranks can be harmless, but they can also be dangerous or upsetting, as in the case of a goblin misleading people in swamps.
A goblin is generally believed to be immortal, although the creatures may be subject to harm in the mythological traditions of some countries. While immortal, imps are considered far less important than demons and greater gods, and the relative insignificance of imps is sometimes a major point in imp folktales in which an imp seeks to prove himself. Imps are also often depicted as lonely and hungry for human attention. In some stories, a fey seeks out human companions through its pranks and tricks, while in others, fey are depicted as more temperamental, playing tricks on their human allies out of boredom or simply due to their mischievous nature.
Examples of carved imps can sometimes be found in architecture, particularly in complex architecture that features complex sculptures and themes. Imps are generally carefully hidden, with patient or extremely interested observers being the only people to spot them. Some artworks also include leprechauns.