An information coordinator collects, analyzes, processes, and distributes information according to company policies. The job is divided into two types: public and internal. The coordinator must be an effective communicator and careful when disclosing sensitive data. A background in PR or journalism is common, and a college degree is often required.
An information coordinator is responsible for collecting, analyzing, processing and distributing information according to the policies of a company or organization. In most cases, this person is not solely responsible for gathering the information, but it may need to be processed and made presentable in an easy-to-read format. Therefore, someone in this position must not only have good technical skills, but also have at least some creative aptitude.
In general, the job is divided into two types: the public information coordinator and the internal information coordinator. The same individual might be responsible for both, but the requirements of each can also differ greatly. Either way, however, the job will likely require a great deal of PR experience or extensive training in this field. Additionally, those in such positions must be effective communicators and able to connect well with others.
The public information coordinator is an individual who primarily deals with the media. In some cases, this coordinator will serve as the company’s primary spokesperson and may be the most quoted person for the company in the media. Some information coordinators act primarily as a hub for the media so that journalists can be referred to a source with more expertise or first-hand knowledge. The coordinator’s role, in both cases, is often defined by the company.
An internal information coordinator should also be an effective communicator and deal well with others, but may not interact with external media organizations at all. Workers who serve in this capacity can help put together annual reports, company newsletters, and information investors often request before deciding whether to invest. Thus, in some ways, a different level of technical skill may be required for this position than a public information coordinator.
Those who serve in any of these positions must be very careful when it comes to disclosing information. Quite often, the information coordinator will have access to very sensitive data. Therefore, the individual must always be aware of what information is ready to be distributed and what information is not. This requires close attention to detail and a general understanding of business processes.
Those who become news coordinators often come from a PR or journalism background. The skills developed in these areas often transfer very well to this job. Most also have formal training and at least a college degree, though this isn’t necessary in all cases. Graduate paths that could lead to a career as an information coordinator include communications, journalism, and business.