Intraparenchymal hematoma is a serious condition where blood pools in the brain tissues, caused by head injuries or medical conditions. Symptoms include headaches, vomiting, weakness, and seizures. Treatment involves surgical removal of the blood, and individuals can prevent head injuries by wearing safety equipment and taking precautions.
An intraparenchymal hematoma, also known as an intracerebral hematoma, is a potentially life-threatening condition in which the traumatic injury causes blood to pool within the brain tissues. It can be caused externally by a head injury or internally by a variety of medical circumstances. Experts recommend that an individual experiencing severe cognitive or physical symptoms following any type of head injury should seek emergency medical care.
Hematoma refers to the collection of blood within a localized area of the body. Intraparenchymal hematoma is often caused by an accident-related head injury or a blow to the head, even if it doesn’t seem serious at the time. Other potential causes related to medical conditions include aneurysms, brain tumors, encephalitis or other central nervous system infections, certain autoimmune diseases, or pregnancy-related conditions such as eclampsia. Intraparenchymal hematoma can also be the result of the use of some recreational drugs, such as cocaine or methamphetamine, or some prescription drugs, such as blood thinners.
Symptoms of intraparenchymal hematoma might be evident immediately after a head injury or they might develop gradually over the following days or weeks. Initial symptoms might include a progressively worsening headache, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, unequal pupil size, weakness on one side, signs of cognitive impairment, or increased blood pressure. Eventually, the individual may develop seizures or lose consciousness.
Intraparenchymal hematoma is diagnosed through the use of medical imaging, such as an MRI or CT scan. Treatment for this condition typically involves surgical removal of the pooled blood, with possible administration of antiepileptic drugs after surgery and continuing for several months. After surgery, patients commonly experience attention problems, headaches, anxiety, or difficulty sleeping for some time during recovery. Patients could potentially recover much of their normal function within the first six months following surgery, although individual results may vary. Children typically recover more quickly than adults.
Individuals can try to minimize or prevent potentially dangerous head injuries in a variety of ways, including wearing seat belts in motor vehicles and wearing helmets and other safety equipment while participating in sporting activities. Parents can reduce the risk of head injuries in their children by monitoring their activities and blocking off areas that could cause a fall, such as steep stairs. Individuals with prior brain injuries should consider taking extra precautions to avoid a second injury during or after recovery. It is also recommended that people with a history of brain hematoma do not drink alcohol to excess, due to the increased risk of a second head injury.