Onion bagels are made by adding diced and sautéed sweet onions to the dough before baking. They are slightly crunchy and can be filled with different creams or meats. They are best eaten plain or with savory fillings, as sweet spreads don’t pair well with their tangy flavor.
Bagels are a round bread with an opening in the center. An onion bagel is simply one that has small pieces of onion added to the top of the dough before baking. This bread is slightly crunchier than other bagel varieties. Making bagels can be done by hand or with the use of a bread maker. Different bagel creams or even meat are often used to fill onion bagels.
Sweet varieties of white or yellow onions are normally used to make an onion bagel, as they typically don’t have an overpowering flavor. The onions are normally diced and then sautéed in butter or oil until golden brown. They are then placed on top of the dough before the bagels are placed in the oven.
Flour, baking powder, and eggs can be added to a bread machine and then blended to form a dough, which is then shaped into a circular shape to create an onion bagel. Cooks could also mix the ingredients and allow the dough to rise before baking. Butter or oil can be brushed onto the top of the mixture before baking to soften and flavor the dough as it cooks. The bagels should be baked in a hot oven for about 15 minutes or until the dough is softer in the center.
The top of an onion bagel is usually a bit tough, and onion flakes can add a crunchy texture to this bread. This variety of bagel is a little firmer inside than other breads, but it’s usually not hard to chew. On the bottom, this food is typically firm but not hard or crunchy. One of these breads is normally golden brown on top, a lighter shade of brown on the sides, and the onions may look dark brown.
An onion bagel can be eaten plain or toasted or untoasted. This bread could also be used to make a sandwich, and some ideal fillings could be salad meats, luncheon meat, or cheese. Cream cheese or a vegetable-based spread might also be good choices for this food. Sweet spreads like jelly or honey aren’t normally recommended, as the sweet taste of these toppings doesn’t normally pair well with the somewhat tangy flavor of an onion bagel.