Online survey scams promise large amounts of money for taking surveys on the internet, but in reality, they rarely pay more than $3 per survey and can be used to collect private information or charge for useless lists. Legitimate surveys are often complex and pay small amounts. Research companies before participating.
An online survey scam is a fraudulent business where a person is usually offered a large amount of money simply for taking surveys on the Internet. The reality behind such scams is that online surveys rarely pay money, and if they do, they usually only pay about $3 US Dollars (USD) per survey. These online surveys usually don’t consist of just a few questions, but instead can involve dozens or hundreds of questions and take several hours to read completely and answer correctly. An online survey scam is usually created with the intent of getting a person to pay for a service that is never actually provided.
With the proliferation of home computers and the internet into so many homes around the world, there has been a tendency among many people to try to find a way to make money while at home and using the internet. This has led to a number of scams that exploit the hopes of people who want to find a way to make money without dealing with a demanding boss or unappreciated customers. An online survey scam is one way people can be duped out of their money and receive little or nothing in return.
Online surveys are surveys conducted over the Internet and provide businesses and website administrators with instant information about their customers. These can be very real and useful aspects of numerous websites. However, they don’t often pay customers to fill out these surveys. There are exceptions to this and some companies are contracted by larger companies to administer customer surveys to obtain information about services and products. These surveys, however, are often complex and lengthy, and usually only pay a small amount of money.
An online survey scam usually takes the form of an email or similar offer to provide someone with a list of websites or companies that offer high-paying survey opportunities. The problem is that a person has to pay to receive this list, and the list is usually quite useless or simply provides information that can be obtained for free with some time and use of search engines. Potentially more damaging, however, is the fact that an online survey scam can be used to collect private information about a person, such as name, address, and credit card information that can be used to commit identity theft. Ultimately, any offer that sounds too good to be true usually is, and anyone interested in a company that offers paid surveys should do some research on the company and try to be sure it’s legit.