Oven burners are circular and contain a metal coil. They can be electric or gas-powered and are managed by a dial. They can be cleaned with soap and water or all-purpose cleaners. Electric burners can be replaced or repaired, while gas burners should be serviced by professionals.
An oven burner is the part of the stovetop that is used to cook foods in pans and pots. They are typically circular in design and contain a metal coil. Most stoves come with four burners, two small units and two large units, although some can fit five. These can be electrically powered to generate heat or gas powered to create a real flame.
Hobs can be connected to the oven unit, which is then referred to as a range. In kitchens with wall-mounted ovens, there may be an additional cooking unit, which features the oven burners, placed on a countertop. This can also be known as a hob.
A furnace burner works by sending electricity or natural gas to the circular burner unit to create heat. It is managed by a corresponding dial that turns the burner on and off and can adjust its heat level. The dials are typically labeled by a small pictorial diagram indicating which burner it controls.
The electric burners will start conducting heat automatically when the control dial is turned to a certain temperature. Gas burners drop fuel below the level of the burner’s metal coil and ignite that gas with an automatic starter. The starter can be in the form of a pilot light, which stays on constantly, or a spark nodule. This type of oven burner often makes a popping sound before the flame ignites. This is the sound of the automatic lighter trying to capture.
Modern ovens may feature a flat hob with a glass surface. This type of oven burner is electric and is placed under the glass. The heat can be controlled by a corresponding dial or digital program panel.
To clean a traditional burner, lift the metal coil and remove it from the hob. These can be washed with soap and water or, if necessary, scrubbed with some types of steel wool. Clean under the hob surface with a damp sponge. Glass-top stoves can be cleaned with all-purpose cleaners or dish soap and scrubbed with the rough side of a sponge.
Electric burners can be replaced or repaired, depending on the extent of the malfunction. Individual burner units often range in price between $20 United States Dollars (USD) and $60 USD. Glass-topped electric units typically need to be replaced as a single item rather than individual items. Generally gas burners should only be serviced by trained professionals.