An upper motor neuron carries signals from the brain to the spinal cord, and damage to this component can cause upper motor neuron syndrome, resulting in symptoms such as paralysis and spasticity. The Babinski reflex can also indicate an upper motor neuron injury, which can be caused by traumatic brain injury, cerebral vascular accidents, cerebral palsy, or seizure disorders.
A neuron is an essential part of the body’s nervous system. It is responsible for communication between the brain and the body, allowing the body to respond quickly and efficiently to changes in the environment through electrical and chemical impulses or signals. An upper motor neuron carries motor or movement signals from the brain to the spinal cord where they are then passed on to a lower motor neuron to be transported to the appropriate part of the body. An upper motor neuron lesion, also known as a lesion, is any type of damage to one of these components of the nervous system, resulting in disruption of this messaging service.
Upper motor neuron syndrome, a lesion of the upper motor neuron, can affect the part of the body associated with the area of damage. Common symptoms can include paralysis and spasticity. Paralysis is the inability to move a part of the body. Spasticity, also known as hypertonia, is a condition in which muscles are unusually tense or stiff all the time. This is caused by a constant activation of muscle cells causing involuntary spasms or contractions that are commonly resistant to an external force attempting to break the pattern or move the affected limb.
When the body suffers an upper motor neuron injury, it prevents the body from responding appropriately. This may be evident by the presence of a positive Babinski reflex. The Babinski reflex is a normal reaction of the toes stretching up and out in response to a firm blow to the soles of the feet in children younger than two years of age. If an upper motor neuron injury has occurred, this reflex often returns. This change in this reflex can be temporary or permanent, depending on the nature and severity of the injury or damage sustained to the nervous system.
The areas of the body affected by this injury correspond to the damaged area. Injuries that can cause a motor neuron injury can include a traumatic brain injury where the brain is damaged by a severe blow to the head or a cerebral vascular accident (CVA) where there is a rupture or rupture of a blood vessel in the head which causes the brain to be saturated or engulfed by an excess of blood. Certain medical conditions, such as cerebral palsy, a movement disorder caused by abnormal brain development or brain injury before birth, or seizure disorders, a condition characterized by irregular nerve cell activation can also cause an upper motor neuron lesion .