Anabolism is the process by which organisms produce complex molecules from simpler components, leading to growth. Catabolism breaks down large molecules into simpler forms for energy. Together, they form metabolism. Anabolic processes produce essential substances for growth, while catabolic processes break down molecules. Hormones related to metabolism can be natural or artificially administered, such as anabolic steroids, which are controversial due to their use in enhancing athletic performance.
Anabolism, also known as biosynthesis, is the process by which organisms produce complex molecules and substances from less complex components. Anabolism leads to growth in organisms as molecules are made from smaller components and added to bones or muscles. This growth process requires raw materials and energy which are produced through a process known as catabolism, in which large, complex molecules are broken down into simpler substances. Together, anabolic and catabolic processes constitute the set of chemical processes known as metabolism, which is the set of life sustaining reactions that occur in organisms for the maintenance of life.
Anabolic processes are responsible for the production of almost all the chemicals that organisms are made of. The processes of anabolism produce proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and many other substances essential for the development, growth, maintenance and repair of the body. Anabolism is a divergent process, meaning it produces a huge variety of different complex molecules from a relatively small number of simple substances.
Catabolism makes up the other half of metabolism as a whole and is essential for anabolism to function properly. Catabolic processes, such as digestion, are responsible for breaking down large, complex molecules into simpler forms so they can be used for raw materials and energy in anabolic processes. While anabolism is responsible for building new molecules, catabolism is responsible for breaking down other molecules. If there is more anabolic than catabolic activity, net growth occurs, but net loss occurs when the rate of catabolism is greater than the rate of anabolism.
There are many hormones that are related to metabolism; these hormones are typically labeled anabolic or catabolic hormones based on whether they stimulate anabolic or catabolic pathways. Many of these hormones are natural and are completely necessary for proper functioning of metabolic systems. Others, however, are administered artificially to stimulate growth or to increase strength and energy, legally or illegally. Anabolic steroids, for example, are used therapeutically to treat a variety of different conditions, such as delayed puberty. They increase muscle growth and are closely related to testosterone, thus stimulating many other masculine characteristics such as depth of voice and hair growth.
Anabolic steroids have had a controversial history due to their use by athletes to enhance performance. The use of steroids in sports is generally prohibited worldwide. In some nations, anabolic steroids are strictly controlled substances.