Anhedonia is the inability to experience pleasure and is a symptom of depression, schizophrenia, and chronic sleep deprivation. It can also be caused by drug abuse. Treatment includes therapy, counseling, and medication, but symptoms may not go away immediately or permanently. It is important to take anhedonia seriously and seek medical intervention.
Anhedonia is the medical term used to refer to the inability to experience pleasure. People suffering from this condition are unable to derive joy from the most pleasurable activities. A person suffering from it cannot force himself to feel pleasure or enjoy any activity. The only treatments are to wait for symptoms to subside, which can take weeks or even months, or to seek medical intervention.
Anhedonia is a symptom of several diseases. It is a common symptom of both depression and schizophrenia. People who are chronically sleep deprived can also develop it. People who abuse drugs, particular stimulants like cocaine or methamphetamine, can develop it during withdrawal and, depending on how severe the drug problem was, can suffer from the condition long after they become sober. Some long time addicts find it a lifelong problem.
Researchers do not fully understand the reason for anhedonia. The body can develop problems processing rewards. People with this condition may not process dopamine properly. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of joy and pleasure.
It’s important to take the symptoms of anhedonia seriously. While it’s normal to experience frustrating or stressful times, the sheer inability to experience pleasure signals deeper concerns. It’s easy to dismiss these feelings because pleasure isn’t always seen as a necessity. The main problem with this condition is that it indicates a deeper health problem and can have many long-term undesirable effects.
Treatment depends on the severity of symptoms and other problems. Someone with a long history of drug use will require different treatment than a new mother suffering from postpartum depression. Treatment methods include cognitive behavioral therapy, counseling, and medications.
You may need more than one type of treatment to relieve anhedonia symptoms. Symptoms may not go away immediately or permanently. Symptoms will likely gradually lessen with treatment, and it’s common for the road to recovery to include moments of joy followed by other periods of time when the anhedonia returns.
For many people it is difficult to talk about anhedonia, because it seems forgiving. It’s hard to compare the problem of someone who feels pleasure to someone who has cancer or a broken arm, but all of these people are sick and require treatment. Just like a physical illness cannot be ignored, it is important for a medical professional to treat the symptoms of anhedonia promptly.