What’s Antimony?

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Antimony is a metalloid element used in various industrial applications, including batteries, paints, and rubber. It is also used in medicines and has flame retardant properties. Its name derives from the Greek “anti” and “monos”. Antimony is toxic and can cause severe vomiting and death, but in small doses, its effects are minor. Its seepage into water sources is a concern, and it is regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Antimony is a pure element. Some forms of it are metallic, while others are non-metallic. Antimony is used for a wide range of industrial applications including many paints, batteries and rubber. Due to its extensive use in various non-recyclable materials and its toxic properties, antimony is often referred to in the context of environmental or sanitation concerns.

Antimony has atomic number 51 and is represented by the symbol Sb, derived from the Latin Stibium, name given to antimony sulphide in classical times. A popular etymology of the word antimony holds that a German monk, Basil Valentine, threw some of the element to the pigs in the monastery, which purged themselves and then became very healthy and fat rapidly. The monk decided that the element must have healing properties, so he fed it to his brethren, who all later died of toxicity. The name, therefore, is believed to derive from the French antimoine, meaning “anti-monk.” Although this etymology is very romantic, it is more probable that the name derives from the Greek anti and monos, which simply means “not only”.

Antimony is part of the class of elements known as metalloids, which have properties roughly between those of metals and nonmetals in the periodic table. Antimony is also what’s known as a semimetal, which refers to the way it conducts energy: bismuth and arsenic are also both semimetals. Other metalloids include silicon, germanium and boron.

Antimony in its stable form is a blue-white metallic element, with an atomic mass of 121.76 g/mol. It melts at 1167°F (630°C) and makes a pretty effective semiconductor. Although it looks metallic, antimony doesn’t have the same chemical responses as a real metal. Antimony is also often added to lead to make it stronger.

Antimony is used in many different contexts in industry, including some medicines, lead-free solder, bullets, batteries, plumbing, and matches. It has been used in natural form for thousands of years, primarily as a medicine, as small amounts can kill some parasites without affecting the health of the recipient. Antimony in compound form also has impressive flame retardant properties and as a result is used to treat things like seat covers, toys and children’s clothing.

Antimony, like many of the metalloids, is relatively toxic. The toxic effects are similar to those of arsenic, causing severe vomiting and ultimately death. In trace amounts, the body can process antimony quite well, and in small doses, the effects are minor: dizziness, lightheadedness, and headaches. Due to its use in many disposable products, antimony seepage into water sources is a problem in many areas. The Environmental Protection Agency considers it a regulated item under the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the maximum level of contaminants is listed as six parts per billion.

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