What’s AR marketing?

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Augmented reality marketing adds virtual content to real-time reality, often triggered by barcodes or images. It is popular with children and can encourage additional purchases, but requires technology that not everyone has. Technological limits can also be a problem.

Augmented reality marketing is a marketing technique that places product-related content over real-time reality. More simply, this type of marketing relies on a computer device to place photos into a live reality video augmenting reality. Common examples of augmented reality marketing include allowing visitors to virtually try on clothing or jewelry, play with interactive characters, or view product information over product images. One of the main problems with this type of marketing is that it requires technology that not everyone has.

At its most basic, augmented reality marketing adds to reality in some way. Generally, the way this is accomplished is with visual information. A live video passing through the camera is augmented so that the image seen represents reality in near real time. This video can reflect the person using the camera or it can be used as a window through which the user views reality. In any case, an additional program is needed to augment this reality.

Most of the times augmented reality marketing program needs a suggestion to display related information. Barcodes, images or even special spatial information can be used to trigger augmented content. One possible use of augmented reality geographic marketing is housing advertising, where real information about houses and apartments can be displayed in real-time footage of the homes themselves when potential buyers view the locations via their phones. Barcodes are often useful for playing cards, posters or magazines. Images can be difficult to work with, but they can be more intuitive for potential customers.

Augmented reality marketing is particularly popular with children. Marketing of this type often embeds a product within an augmented reality game, making it necessary to purchase the product in order to play. In addition, interaction with small animated characters can also attract children. Collecting virtual prizes can be a very effective augmented reality marketing strategy, as it encourages additional purchases of merchandise that primarily exist as virtual objects.

The problems with augmented reality mostly relate to technological limits. The speed at which reality can be augmented must be quite high to keep up with changing perspectives. People who see this type of marketing must also have the necessary technology to access the ads, which becomes less of an issue with the reductions in the cost of smartphones and web cameras.

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