Ataxic gait refers to irregular movement patterns caused by neurological, muscular, or genetic abnormalities. It can be caused by trauma, genetics, or dysfunction in the cerebellum, vestibular system, or nerve pathways. Treatment is client-specific and often involves physical therapy and mechanical aids.
The term “ataxic gait” comes from the words “a”, which means without; “taxia”, which refers to the order or regulation; and “gait,” which is a pattern of limb movement in locomotion. In essence, “ataxic gait” refers to an irregularity of movement patterns. Broadly speaking, the term usually refers to an abnormal state of walking or running and encompasses a wide variety of movement disorders caused by many sources of neurological, muscular, and genetic abnormalities. With proper diagnosis, management, and rehabilitation, people who experience an ataxic gait have a high likelihood of high functioning despite the motor disabilities that may result from their condition.
This term “ataxic gait” is not intended to describe unusual but otherwise healthy locomotion. Rather, it is reserved for clinically diagnosed conditions that affect transportation ability between two places. Mechanically, a person who has an ataxic gait may have acquired it through trauma or genetics, causing muscle abnormalities that affect locomotor muscle function. Neurologically, an ataxic gait could be caused by cerebellum, sensory or vestibular dysfunction.
The cerebellum is an area of the hindbrain that is associated with movement control and balance. Trauma or anatomical irregularities in this area could then affect an individual’s kinetic potential, often resulting in an ataxic gait. The vestibular system is a group of sensory organs located in the inner ear, which is associated with spatial awareness and the perception of balance. Like the cerebellum, impairment of this system could cause motor difficulties.
The sensory causes of an ataxic gait are usually caused by disturbances in the afferent or efferent nerve pathways. The afferent nerves are the ones that perceive and the efferent nerves are the motor nerves that aid in movement. If one of these nerve types malfunctions, the body could be kinetically challenged.
Lesions can exist in the nervous system and cause damage. A commonly known example of such lesions is that of multiple sclerosis (MS). There may also be chemical origins for a temporary ataxic gait, including excessive alcohol consumption.
Treatment for ataxia is client specific, because most people with movement disorders have very unique situations, but most treatment plans rely heavily on physical therapy. Physical therapists might work directly with a client by diagnosing weaknesses in that person’s gait and developing a plan to strengthen motor skills in a compensatory way to balance one’s movements. Mechanical aids such as wheelchairs and canes are also commonly used and, in some cases, neurotransmitters have also shown positive effects on ataxia.