Atypical lobular hyperplasia is a precancerous condition that affects breast tissue and can lead to cancer if left untreated. Treatment involves removing suspicious tissue. Women with a family history of breast cancer may consider preventative medications or surgery, and healthy lifestyle choices can reduce the risk.
Atypical lobular hyperplasia is a precancerous condition that usually affects the breast tissue. Treatment for this condition usually involves removing any suspicious tissue for further evaluation. Generally considered a benign condition, atypical lobular hyperplasia has the potential to become cancerous if left untreated. Women can reduce their risk of developing breast cancer by taking proactive steps.
There is no known definitive cause for the development of the abnormal cells associated with atypical lobular hyperplasia. Initially considered a benign condition, it can lead to non-invasive or in situ cancer if the abnormal cells continue to mutate and multiply. The term in situ implies that the cancer remains confined to the original area of abnormal cell development. If left untreated, noninvasive atypical lobular hyperplasia can become invasive and spread to surrounding tissue, lymph nodes, and blood vessels.
Atypical lobular hyperplasia produces no signs or symptoms. Generally, this form of hyperplasia is detected only during a routine mammogram or biopsy. Once a biopsy has been completed, signs of atypical hyperplasia may appear during analysis of the specimens obtained. If atypical hyperplasia is confirmed, surgery to remove a larger portion of tissue may be needed for further analysis to determine whether in situ or invasive cancer is present.
Treatment for atypical hyperplasia generally involves surgery to remove all of the affected tissue. If the tests are negative (benign), regular testing for further breast cancer screening may be recommended. Women with atypical hyperplasia are encouraged to conduct self-exams every month to check for any abnormalities or changes in their breasts. Annual mammograms may also be suggested as a precautionary measure. Those who have a family history of breast cancer may also have periodic imaging tests which may include the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Women who have a genetic predisposition for breast cancer may consider using preventative medications over a period of time, such as a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) such as tamoxifen. Participation in clinical trials aimed specifically at preventing breast cancer in the presence of atypical hyperplasia may also be an option. Those who face an extremely high risk of developing breast cancer may choose to have a preventive mastectomy, which is the surgical removal of both breasts. Because of the link between combined hormone therapy and breast cancer, the use of synthetic progestogens and estrogens during menopause should be avoided by women diagnosed with atypical lobular hyperplasia.
Those diagnosed with atypical hyperplasia are four times more likely to develop breast cancer than those without it. Women who are diagnosed with this condition at a young age may also be at an even greater risk of developing cancer. Following a diagnosis of atypical lobular hyperplasia, women are encouraged to learn about their individual risk factors for breast cancer so that they can make informed decisions about treatment options and approaches. Women can also be encouraged to stay proactive about reducing their risk of cancer and make healthy lifestyle choices, such as maintaining a healthy body weight, exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet.