Barley cereal is a healthy alternative to oat or wheat-based cereals, made with whole, hulled barley berries cooked with milk or water and sweetened with honey, sugar, or other ingredients. It is high in fiber, protein, and nutrients, but may not be suitable for those with gluten sensitivities.
Barley cereal is a type of cereal made with barley, a whole grain alternative often eaten by individuals seeking a healthier approach to cereal. The cereal is often made with whole, hulled barley berries cooked with milk or water and sweetened with honey, sugar, or other ingredients. A barley grain can be made into grain flakes or other forms using typical food processing mechanisms, often by incorporating freshly ground barley flour into the ingredients. Many nutritionists and wellness experts recommend barley cereal for its high nutrient content over oat or wheat based cereals, praising its high fiber and protein.
A typical barley cereal is made with fresh barley berries, a whole grain similar to wheat berries due to its gluten protein content. Barley berries are often peeled of their hard, inedible shells before being sold at markets and grocery stores, as these outer coatings cannot be broken or softened during cooking. Just like wheat berries and oats, barley can be cooked with water and milk and served as a cereal. This type of cereal is often recommended for children who do not respond well to rice, oatmeal or wheat cereals due to allergy problems or digestive problems.
Most often, basic cooked barley cereal offers a good substitute for cooked oatmeal and is topped with the same basic ingredients. Spices like cinnamon and ginger and additions like sugar, honey or apples often accompany a cooked barley berry cereal. Some cereal manufacturers use a blend of different whole grains such as wheat, quinoa and rolled oats in a barley cereal, increasing the amount of whole grain per serving. It should be noted that most barley grains contain gluten, so those with gluten sensitivities should seek out other sources of nutrition.
Processed cold cereals with barley as the main ingredient often use freshly ground barley flour in the original recipe, creating cereal flakes and other forms of cereal. This is often accomplished through food manufacturing machinery and other methods that cannot always be accomplished in typical kitchens. Many doctors and nutritionists recommend a barley cereal for most people due to its high nutrient content and relatively moderate energy content. In addition to fiber and antioxidants, which are important for maintaining health and bodily function, barley also contains a high amount of amino acids, which are essential for cell growth and renewal.