Bartholin’s glands are small organs in the labia minora that produce a lubricating fluid for the vaginal opening. Infections or blockages can cause cysts, which can be painful and require medical attention. Treatment may include antibiotics, warm baths, and surgery.
Bartholin’s glands are a pair of very small secretory organs found in the labia minora of the vagina. The glands produce a clear fluid that acts as a lubricant for the vaginal opening. In general, a healthy Bartholin gland cannot be seen or felt under the skin. If a gland becomes infected or blocked, however, a palpable cyst can develop that causes discomfort when exercising, walking, or sitting.
A late 17th-century anatomist named Caspar Bartholin was the first practitioner to clearly document the existence and function of the glands. These glands are found on either side of the base of the vaginal orifice. Each gland is about 17 inches (about 0.2 centimeters) in diameter and secretes fluid into a 0.5 inch (1 centimeter) duct. The duct feeds into the vaginal orifice, providing a small amount of lubrication to the labia.
Medical problems involving a Bartholin gland are rare, but can be serious. Sexually transmitted bacterial infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, as well as strep and staphylococcal infection can potentially inflame this gland and lead to a blockage. Mucus and fluid build up in the gland, further irritating the tissue and creating a cyst. Without treatment, a cyst can grow large enough to protrude through the lips and create a soft, palpable mass.
A large cyst is often tender to the touch and causes pain during physical activity. The lips can swell, and a cyst can potentially rupture and discharge a milky white or yellow substance. An untreated infection can eventually result in a disfiguring abscess that continues to harbor bacteria and cause frequent flare-ups.
It is important for a woman to visit her gynecologist if she notices any discharge or a growing lump. A doctor can inspect the cyst, drain the fluid, and take a tissue sample to make sure it isn’t cancerous. The patient is also screened for various sexually transmitted diseases to help identify the pathogen responsible for the infection.
Most problems with a Bartholin gland can be resolved with oral antibiotics. A doctor might suggest taking warm baths and cleaning your genitals frequently to relieve swelling and pain. Occasionally, surgery may be needed to create a permanent opening in the glandular duct to promote drainage and prevent a cyst from returning. A surgeon might also choose to remove a gland that has been badly damaged.