Bio-inspired computing uses ideas from biology to develop computing systems, while computer science models and explores biological systems. Nature-inspired systems can adapt and form swarm intelligence. The field brings together researchers from various disciplines and has led to developments in artificial intelligence, autonomous robots, and cognitive modeling. DNA is being studied for data storage and computation, and biological parts may replace hardware in computers.
Biology-inspired computing, or biology-inspired computing, is a way of developing computing systems by taking ideas from the biological world. The converse is also true, as computer science is used to model and explore biological systems and these two bio-inspired computing approaches may also interact. Nature-inspired organic computing systems can be self-organizing networks that can adapt. Bio-inspired computing also takes a new approach to artificial intelligence, building simple systems that can evolve into more complex systems. Populations of independent agents can form an intelligence together, working in ways that resemble the behavior of bees or ants, and the computer algorithms that simulate this are known as swarm intelligence.
The field of biologically inspired computing brings together researchers from many disciplines, including biology, computer science, physics, mathematics, and genetics. Biological systems have many advantages over computer systems, as they use much less energy, can survive failures, and are even able to heal. Many of the ideas drawn from natural processes have been applied to machine learning, leading to new developments in artificial intelligence. Autonomous robots, capable of responding and adapting to their environments, could have numerous benefits working in areas such as war zones and dangerous cleanup operations. Populations of many tiny robots could be used to perform tasks such as crop pollination.
Bio-inspired computing has been applied to the field of cognitive modeling, with the development of artificial neural network systems based on nerve function in the brain. Computer chips have been developed that can learn, evolve, and work as a team. Connected by self-organizing wireless connections, they can create an ideal system for modeling complex problems that arise from many simple factors combined. Because the chips can reconfigure and learn, this eliminates the need to load software programs and operations can proceed faster. Such systems could help understand the spread of ideas through a population or create a model of brain function that resembles real biological processes.
Natural computation involving the use of DNA is being studied. Bioinformatics research suggests that DNA strands could be used to store data, to encode secret messages or even to perform calculations. DNA molecules could also assemble into useful structures.
Biological parts could potentially be designed and used to replace hardware inside computers, functioning as switches, processors, timers and other devices. Some biological molecules are already used in electronics. It may also be possible to program cells within the body to perform tasks such as secreting drugs.