Bowenoid papulosis is a precancerous skin condition caused by certain strains of HPV that can develop on the genitals and may be mistaken for genital warts. It is associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer and can be treated by removal or destruction of the lesions.
Bowenoid papulosis is a skin condition in which pigmented warty papules develop on the genitals. These pimple-like skin lesions are typically caused by fewer than a handful of particularly dangerous strains of human papillomavirus (HPV), the virus responsible for genital warts, and can affect both men and women. This condition is considered precancerous. In a small percentage of cases, the lesions associated with Bowenoid papulosis can become cancerous if left unmonitored.
Often, Bowenoid papulosis is mistaken for genital warts. The small red-brown or purple lesions that characterize both conditions are virtually identical to the naked eye. Additionally, they both afflict similar parts of the genitals, including the penis, vulvas, labia, and anus. However, a healthcare professional can differentiate between the two by examining a biopsy of the suspicious skin lesion under a microscope. Under high magnification, Bowenoid papulosis will show signs of early transformations of squamous cell carcinoma.
Bowenoid papulosis is most closely associated with HPV 16 and some other potentially cancerous strains of HPV. Sexually active people are at increased risk for this condition due to its association with HPV, a sexually transmitted infection. Just like genital warts, Bowenoid lesions are spread through direct contact with infected skin, meaning condom use can reduce your risk of contracting the condition from an infected sexual partner. Also because of its association with HPV, women whose partners have Bowenoid papulosis are at higher risk of cervical cancer. This is because HPV 16 and the few other HPV strains linked to Bowenoid papulosis are also associated with cervical cancer.
No cure has been found for the condition, but a flare usually goes away within several months. If the patient is pregnant when the condition appears, in most cases it will disappear shortly after delivery. The lesions very rarely become malignant despite being considered precancerous. There is a small risk, so affected skin should be re-examined after three to six months.
In persistent but still benign cases, the lesions can be treated by removal or destruction in the same way as genital warts. This is considered the most effective course of treatment by many people in the medical community. A number of procedures are available to remove the lesions, ranging from surgery to the topical application of some type of acid or liquid nitrogen. The treating healthcare professional will want to continue monitoring the condition after treatment to make sure it has resolved completely.