What’s BPEL?

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BPEL is an XML-based language that allows businesses of all sizes to integrate functions into an integrated process, facilitating transactions over the internet. It was created by several companies and is flexible and powerful, suitable for both large and small operations.

With the prevalence of the internet in communications these days, it seems natural for businesses to use internet protocols to conduct their day-to-day and not-so-day-to-day business. After all, the Net can facilitate rapid data transfer and can take geography out of the communication equation. Many businesses choose to do most of their work over some form of Internet connection, but it’s not just the 0s and 1s that help businesses. It’s a combination of letters and numbers that translates to another internet-related acronym, BPEL.

BPEL stands for Business Process Execution Language. Like EAI, BPEL is an XML-based language, but BPEL is more specific and focused. Specifically, a programmer uses BPEL to merge sometimes disparate functions into an integrated process, resulting in the continued use of the Internet to conduct business transactions ranging from simple money exchanges to complex calculations and resource reallocation.

Unlike other programming languages, BPEL was created by several people working for several companies, including Adobe, Avaya, BEA, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, NEC, Novell, Oracle, and SAP. IBM and Microsoft kicked off big with IBM’s Web Services Flow Language and Microsoft’s Xlang in 2002. Since then, it’s been going full steam ahead.

All of this might sound like it’s describing huge business operations. This is the case, but it is also true that BPEL can be used to facilitate smaller operations for smaller businesses. For every Merrill Lynch that executes millions of trades every day, there is a Pat Connors Investing who executes only 10 trades a day. For every Orbitz or Expedia that processes thousands of travel details every day, there’s a Karen Seaberg Travel Company that deals with just three customers a day.

In other words, it’s not just big boys and girls who can enjoy using BPEL’s amazing feature. That’s the beauty of it, according to many of its developers: it’s incredibly flexible and incredibly powerful, while offering incredibly easy-to-use end-user processes in scope both large and small.

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