Brainwave entrainment involves listening to different sounds or frequencies to stimulate the brain to produce certain types of brainwaves. Biurnal beats can alter brain wave patterns, potentially treating mood disorders, insomnia, and substance addictions. The technique can induce different stages of sleep and enhance learning or creativity.
Brainwave entrainment, also known as brainwave synchronization, is thought to be a means of stimulating the brain to produce certain types of brainwaves. Brainwave entrainment typically involves listening to different sounds or frequencies, usually with a set of specialized headphones that emit a different frequency for each ear. This can cause the brain to produce special impulses known as biurnal beats. Evidence suggests that biurnal beats can alter brain wave patterns, causing changes in mood, thoughts and behavior. Many in the neuroscience field believe that brainwave entrainment has the potential to treat mood disorders, behavioral problems, insomnia and substance addictions.
A behavioral scientist, Dr. Charles Stroebel, is credited with being the first expert to have studied the phenomenon of brain wave entrainment. In the 1970s, Dr. Stroebel may have made the first breakthrough in brainwave entrainment when he discovered that people in deep states of meditation typically experience synchronization of brainwave patterns in both hemispheres of the brain. In other states of consciousness, brain wave patterns are usually quite asymmetric, with one side of the brain producing a much stronger pattern than the other.
Dr. Gerald Oster, a neuroscientist with Mt. Sinai Medical Center, is credited with the discovery of the phenomenon of biurnal beats. His 1973 report, Auditory Beats in the Brain, discussed the changes in brain wave pattern that can occur when sounds of two different frequencies are played in each ear. The two different frequencies can produce a pulse within the brain itself, known as a biurnal beat, which synchronizes the brainwaves of both hemispheres of the brain. Various experiments performed since then suggest that scientists can change and synchronize brain wave patterns throughout the brain by introducing sounds of different frequencies into each ear.
Scientists have already used this technique experimentally to induce different stages of sleep. Research suggests that brainwave entrainment can be used to induce the typical brainwave patterns of all stages of sleep, from light relaxation to deep sleep to the dream state. This technique is believed to be useful for the treatment of insomnia.
Researchers are optimistic about the potential of brainwave entrainment to treat insomnia, mood disorders and mental illnesses such as ADHD. Some believe that brainwave entrainment can help with addiction issues and behavioral problems. Others look to the technique’s potential to enhance learning or increase creativity.