What’s brontophobia?

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Brontophobia, or fear of thunder and lightning, can affect both children and adults, with severe cases leading to panic attacks and avoidance behaviors. Traumatic experiences and other phobias can contribute to its development. Treatment involves therapy and medication to manage symptoms and address underlying causes.

Also known as astraphobia, brontophobia is a condition in which the individual experiences an extreme fear of lightning and thunder. This type of phobia is often present in a mild form with young children, but usually begins to subside as the child enters adolescence. Even pets sometimes show this fear of thunder and lightning. However, there are cases where adults develop this type of phobia, often to the point where it inhibits their ability to engage in simple tasks like shopping, reading, or managing work projects during severe storms.

While many people view bronchophobia as a relatively benign problem, this is rarely the case for anyone with the condition. When lightning strikes the skies or the sound of distant thunder reaches the ears of brontophobics, anxiety begins to mount. In mild cases, the individual usually practices some type of avoidance. This may include putting off traveling during the storm, drawing the drapes on the windows, and moving to the center of the house in an effort to isolate yourself from the storm as much as possible.

With more advanced cases of the condition, symptoms of brontophobia can include the outbreak of a full-fledged panic attack, including a sense of loss of control of one’s sanity or a sense of impending doom. The brontophobe is also likely to experience a sense of feeling extremely lightheaded to the point of being on the verge of passing out. Often, the heart begins to pound rapidly which adds to the feeling that the individual is about to suffer some kind of extreme harm.

There are a number of causes of brontophobia that can come into play. One of the obvious origins of the condition would be some type of traumatic event in the past involving thunder or lightning. For example, experiencing a severe car accident during a thunderstorm with heavy thunder and lightning can set the stage for reliving that terrible experience whenever a thunderstorm begins to form. People who have been struck by lightning or have killed a loved one in a thunderstorm may also develop this severe aversion to any weather conditions including lightning and thunder. In some cases, the phobia can also develop as a competing emotional problem with other types of phobias, effectively allowing multiple phobic conditions to feed off one another.

Treatment of bronchophobia is usually designed to address the specific symptoms of bronchophobia exhibited by the patient. Therapy is almost always a part of the treatment process. Depending on the nature and severity of the symptoms, the use of sedative or anti-anxiety drugs may also be used as part of the ongoing treatment series. As with many types of phobias, therapy will often seek to uncover the underlying experiences or perceptions that led to the development of the brontophobia, eliminate the power they hold over the individual, and assist the patient in developing a newer, healthier perception.

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