Bubble glass can be unintentional or intentional, with intentional bubble glass being environmentally friendly. Bubbles are created by adding chemicals or inserting spikes into molten glass. Designers use bubbles to create stunning designs with captivating light effects. The concept was born out of necessity during wartime shortages, and the industry grew with experimentation by individual glass artists. Bubble glass is used for everyday glassware, decorative objects, and in the construction industry.
Bubble glass is glass that contains bubbles, either unintentionally due to manufacturing or material defects, or intentionally as part of the design of the glass. Intentional bubble glass is often made from recycled glass and raw materials, so it is considered environmentally friendly. Glass is processed at high temperatures and bubbles form when pockets of gas become trapped in the molten glass. Bubbles are also created deliberately by adding certain chemicals to molten glass or by inserting spikes into molten glass.
By introducing bubbles of various shapes and sizes along with colors of different hues into the molten glass, designers can create stunning designs with captivating light effects. From futuristic inflections to cool water drop-like effects, bubble glass comes in a variety of visual styles and can be used to enhance any environment. It is for this reason that this glass has proven popular with homeowners and glass collectors since its inception.
Czech glass artist Emanuel Beranek was one of the first to transform what used to be a glass flaw into fascinating glass art. Founded in 1940 by Beranek and his three brothers, the Beranek glass factory in Škrdlovice, located between Bohemia and Moravia, had to deal with wartime shortages: primitive glass production facilities and lack of raw materials high quality raw materials. They used peat to fuel the furnaces and glass shards for bottles and charcoal to make glass. Limited and inferior resources inevitably produced bubbles in the glass, and since he could not get rid of them entirely, Beranek experimented with glassblowing a large mass of bubbles and incorporated them into the design. The results looked good and the buyers liked it, thus the bubble glass concept was born.
It really was about doing the best out of necessity. Other glass makers then followed suit, started making different types of bubble glass, and the industry grew. Further experimentation by individual glass artists followed with the arrival of the glass studio movement in the 1960s, and new creative endeavors continue to extend the artistic boundaries of bubble glass.
In addition to ordinary everyday glassware such as plates, bowls, tumblers, tumblers, pitchers, jars and bottles, bubble glass is used to make decorative and artistic objects such as vases, perfume bottles, paperweights, figurines, lampshades, chandeliers and art installations. It has also found a niche in the construction industry where it is used for panels, doors, glass walls and shaped blocks.