Byssinosis is a lung disease caused by inhaling dust from cotton or vegetable fibers, leading to chronic lung disease and asthma. Diagnosis involves medical examination, chest X-rays, and pulmonary function tests. Treatment includes reducing exposure to dust and medication. Complications include permanent lung damage.
Byssinosis is a lung disease resulting from the inhalation of dust produced by cotton or vegetable fibers. Classified as a form of occupational asthma, byssinosis can lead to chronic lung disease, including lifelong asthma. There is no cure for byssinosis, so reducing or eliminating dust exposure is essential to successful treatment.
Individuals diagnosed with byssinosis, or brown lung disease, generally work in the textile industry or have been constantly exposed to fibrous dust over a period of time. Asthmatic individuals or those who smoke are particularly susceptible to the effects of fibrous dust on the respiratory system. Symptoms of byssinosis vary from individual to individual and can include cough, nasal congestion, and tightness in the chest.
When an individual inhales the fibrous dust, their lungs can become inflamed, causing the airways to constrict and making breathing difficult. Medical attention should be sought when symptoms escalate in severity, frequency, and duration. It is important for people experiencing symptoms to note their onset, duration and intensity to help with the examination process should medical assistance be needed.
During a medical examination a doctor will ask a series of questions about the individual’s work environment and how it may be related to the onset of symptoms. A diagnosis of byssinosis can be confirmed by reviewing the patient’s complete history and performing a chest X-ray and pulmonary function tests. To establish the level of an individual’s lung function, a series of measurements are taken.
Lung volume is determined by administering a spirometry test that measures how much air an individual is able to inhale and exhale. Key measurements of spirometry testing include forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume (FEV-1). Forced vital capacity represents the largest amount of air that an individual forcefully exhales after a deep breath. The amount of air expelled from an individual’s lungs is known as the forced expiratory volume.
Inhalation of helium or nitrogen is also used to measure lung volume. An individual breathes a concentration of one of these gases through a tube for a few breaths. As you exhale, the gas concentration builds up in a chamber attached to the tube. The amount of gas exhaled is recorded and compared to what was inhaled to determine how well oxygen moves into the blood from the lungs.
An essential aspect of successful treatment of byssinosis is to reduce exposure to fibrous dust. A treatment regimen may include the use of medications such as bronchodilators to improve symptoms. In cases where symptoms are severe, a corticosteroid may be prescribed. Complications associated with byssinosis include permanent lung damage and the development of chronic lung disease. If exposure to fibrous dust is not reduced or eliminated, it will take longer for symptoms to relieve, increasing the risk of permanent lung damage.