What’s Carnauba Wax?

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Carnauba wax, also known as the ‘Queen of Wax’, is a durable botanical product used in various industries. It is sourced from the fan leaves of the Copernicia prunifera tree in Brazil and has a high melting point of 172°F (78°C). It is used in coatings for floors, cars, and other items subject to heavy wear, as well as in candies, polishes, paints, cosmetics, and more. Carnauba wax is very durable and not easily soluble, making it ideal for creating waterproof and wear-resistant finishes. It is often used in combination with other waxes and appears in numerous packaged foods and pharmaceuticals.

Carnauba wax is a botanical product used in a large number of industries. Sometimes called the ‘Queen of Wax’, it has a much higher melting point than other waxes and is also extremely hard. This makes it ideal for creating extremely durable coatings for floors, cars and other items subject to heavy wear. Additionally, this wax appears in candies, polishes, paints, cosmetics, and many other places. Although carnauba wax has largely been replaced by synthetic materials, it is still produced and used in many parts of the world.

A Brazilian tree formally called Copernicia prunifera, and otherwise known as fan or carnauba palm, is the source of carnauba wax. The palm has broad fan leaves attached to toothed stems. In hot, dry weather, the plant secretes wax to protect the leaves from damage. People who want to harvest the wax dry the leaves and then pat them to remove the yellowish to brown coating, which usually flakes off. The wax is refined and bleached before being used. Carnauba palms can live in extreme environments due to their protective coating, making them a great crop choice for farmers working with unfavorable soils and weather conditions.

A temperature of 172°F (78°C) is required to melt carnauba wax. It is also not easily soluble. Water cannot break down a layer of this wax and only a few solvents can, usually in combination with heat. This means it is very durable. Used in solid color, it can make something waterproof and wear-resistant. In combination with things like tints and dyes, it can be used to create a long-lasting colored polish. Eventually, wear and tear will strip the wax from most surfaces, but a fresh coat can be reapplied. In older homes with wood floors and window frames, carnauba wax was probably used on them as a conditioner at some point.

The substance is often used instead of or in combination with other waxes due to its strength. Many surfers, for example, use waxes for their boards that integrate carnauba. It is also used to line paper plates, floss and as a vegetarian alternative to gelatin. In the pharmaceutical industry, this wax often appears as a tablet coating and is used in numerous packaged foods. Unlike many other waxes, a carnauba finish does not flake over time, it simply becomes dull. This makes it ideal for places where a flaking finish would look unsightly.

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