What’s CEM in business?

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CEM manages and controls customer experiences across all aspects of a business to ensure positive interactions, building customer loyalty and brand reputation. It differs from CRM, which focuses on individual interactions and narrow areas of focus. CEM aims to turn customers into loyal customers who will recommend the business to others.

Customer Experience Management (CEM) is the process by which a company or business manages or attempts to control customer experiences in relation to the business. CEM is a relatively new concept, inspired by numerous articles and surveys by economists, business people, and customer service analysts in various industries. Rather than just focusing on a single customer situation or facet of a business, CEM seeks to organize and direct all aspects of a business and how it relates to customers. This is done to provide the most positive and rewarding experiences possible for your customers across all platforms and levels of interaction.

In the past, a large amount of customer service in a company or business did customer relationship management (CRM). CRM has focused primarily on individual interactions and has often narrowed its view to a single area of ​​focus, usually at the business end of customer interactions. CEM seeks to focus more on the customer and how the customer’s interactions with the company create an overall experience that lingers in that customer’s mind later on. This redirection of the customer’s purpose and vision and how they interact with a company is often at the heart of these practices.

As customers deal with a company or business in various ways such as brick-and-mortar stores, websites, and online and over-the-phone purchases, these customers create a complete experience around that business. CEM seeks to ensure that the experience is ultimately positive and considers all aspects of this interaction. This experience builds from the moment a customer arrives at a store, walking inside, looking for what he or she needs, asking questions, checking out to purchase the item, and even how a customer is treated over the phone or if you are returning a product. item.

CEM’s ultimate goal is to ensure that all these moments and interactions create a positive customer experience. CEM’s methods are aimed at ensuring that even if things aren’t perfect, such as a store lacking a desired item or the wrong item purchased the first time, that customers are ultimately satisfied with their interactions with the business. This increases customer loyalty and the wallet share a company has with the customer.

CEM strives to turn customers into satisfied customers who can return, then turn them into loyal customers who will definitely return, and finally turn them into loyal customers who will not only return but recommend the business to others. By doing so, a company establishes customer loyalty and can build its brand reputation. These methods attempt to ensure that every interaction between a customer and a company’s representatives, whether in person, over the phone, or provided through a website, is a positive one.

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