What’s Challah?

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Challah is a traditional Jewish yeast bread made with eggs, flour, yeast, and water. It is often braided and sprinkled with sesame seeds, and is eaten on many Jewish holidays except for Passover. Challah is also a popular sandwich bread and is praised for its ability to absorb liquids, making it a great choice for French toast. It can be made with various additions, and is typically brushed with an egg wash before baking. The bread can be made by hand or with a bread maker.

Challah, pronounced haa-laa, is the traditional Jewish yeast bread. It is made with eggs, flour, yeast and water and can be sprinkled with sesame seeds. It is sometimes called egg bread and has a distinct yellowish interior if egg yolks are used.

Challah is part of many Sabbath celebrations and is also eaten on many Jewish holidays. Challah is never eaten on Passover, because the day requires eating only unleavened bread. Therefore, no bread containing yeast can be served.

Challah is usually braided in threes, but can be served round and studded with raisins. On Rosh Hashanah, Challah can be made in the shape of a ladder. The bread can be served hot or cold depending on individual preference.

Because Jewish traditions are enmeshed in the lives of many, the presence of Challah in grocery stores and bakeries is not uncommon. In fact, many of non-Jewish backgrounds love to buy or make this bread because of its delicious texture and relative ease of preparation.

The bread is an excellent choice for slicing, especially in braided form, and is the sandwich bread of choice, particularly in delicatessens in major cities. It is also praised as one of the best breads to use for French toast. It absorbs egg/milk liquid perfectly and can be cut thick. It also goes stale in about two days, which is very desirable when you are making French toast, as this will increase the absorption of the bread into the French toast mixture.

Challah can range from the very simple bread, to interesting variations inspired by modern ingredients. On the Internet, one can find recipes for onion challah or bread made with rosemary and sun-dried tomatoes, chocolate chips, nuts, currants, or dried cranberries. Since plain bread doesn’t have an overwhelming flavor, it lends itself well to sweet or savory additions.

Even with additions, Challah owes its smooth, browned surface to an egg wash before cooking. This is also very helpful if poppy or sesame seeds are added, as they will adhere better to the bread. A baked challah should be a deep brown on the outside and the bread should have a hollow sound when tapped, ensuring it is thoroughly baked.

You can also make challah with a bread maker, setting the machine to mix and only turning up the setting. The dough is then removed from the machine, shaped and given a final rise. Some cooks insist that the lightest and best challah is obtained when the dough is allowed to rise twice before baking.

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