Child abandonment occurs when parents fail to communicate or provide financial support for an extended period, resulting in neglect charges. Custodial parents must prove abandonment to proceed with adoption or termination of parental rights. Guidelines help courts assess each case, and discouraging visitation or denying access can be a defense. Malpractice and intent to permanently relinquish duties must be proven.
Child abandonment occurs when parents give up parental duties and rights. Abandonment statutes in jurisdictions vary, but what is common for most is that the parents fail to communicate with the child or provide financial support and living necessities for an extended period of time, such as six months. The statutes often apply to minor children, under the age of 18. A child is not considered abandoned if the custodial parent or other guardian has prevented the parent accused of abandonment from accessing the child. Discouraging visits and causing an inability to communicate with the child can also be brought up as a legal defense to defeat child abandonment claims.
Parents who abdicate responsibility to communicate or provide financial support for their children can be charged with child neglect under criminal laws in many jurisdictions. A parent’s failure to provide shelter for a minor child or to pay for the child’s medical care is a punishable offense that can result in fines, jail time, or both. Child abandonment is often a family court matter where foster parents must first prove abandonment before they can proceed with adoption proceedings or legally terminate the rights of the other parent. For example, a stepfather who wishes to adopt an abandoned child may not be able to do so until the biological mother files a court petition proving that the child is abandoned and obtains a court order declaring it so. Determining whether or not a child has been abandoned is often made on a case-by-case basis, but courts refer to guidelines to help them assess the facts presented in each case.
Child abandonment is a major factor in child abandonment. For example, the custodial parent can prove that the other parent collected all child support, which indicates malpractice. Many abandonment statutes also require the parent to demonstrate that the abandonment was not temporary. The custodial parent often has to demonstrate that the intent of the other parent is to permanently relinquish all of her duties and rights. Some statutes include a period of time that must elapse before filing a child neglect case to demonstrate such intent.
If a custodial parent discourages visitation, refuses to accept financial support, or denies access to a minor child, they often fail to win an abandonment case. A parent accused of neglect may be unable to communicate with the child or provide the necessities of life. For example, if the parent is in prison, the courts may not agree that the parent abandoned the child.