What’s child sexual harassment?

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Child sexual harassment is a repeated unwanted sexual behavior towards minors, often in schools. Female students and gay men are frequent targets. Ignoring reports of sexual molestation in schools can lead to legal liability. Sexual harassment is a legal term and a form of sex discrimination under federal law. Victims may suffer academically and perpetrators may engage in other destructive behaviors. All schools should have a comprehensive sexual harassment policy. Parents should be aware of their child’s school policy and talk to their children about the issue.

Child sexual harassment is repeated unwanted sexual advances towards a minor, often in a school setting. According to researchers in this area, female students and gay men are frequent targets of child sexual harassment. Some argue that this form of harassment is often overlooked or ignored. Under certain circumstances, ignoring reports of child sexual molestation in an educational setting can lead to legal liability on the part of the school.

The term “sexual harassment” was reportedly coined by feminists in the United States in the 1970s during discussions of sexual exploitation in the workplace. Sexual harassment is now a legal term and is considered a form of sex discrimination under federal law and many state laws. Legally, sexual harassment is unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct that is serious and pervasive. The United States Department of Education defines sexual harassment as conduct of a sexual nature and denies a student the ability to participate in or benefit from educational programs.

Harassment can include words, gestures, taunting, sexual graffiti, and spreading rumors about the victim’s sexual identity or behaviors. Unwanted sexual contact may also be considered in some jurisdictions of the United States sexual battery or battery. In some cases, it can lead to prosecution for sexual abuse. An isolated incident of abusive behavior of a sexual nature does not constitute sexual harassment. The behavior must be unwelcome to be considered sexual harassment.

Child sexual harassment can be considered sex discrimination under federal law. When a school displays deliberate indifference to a sexual harassment situation so severe, pervasive, and objectively unreasonable that the harassment deprives the victim of the opportunities provided by the school, then the school may potentially be sued under Title IX of the United States Amendment on Education of 1972. Title IX prohibits any school receiving federal funding from discrimination based on gender.

Some researchers report that victims of child sexual molestation tend to become distracted, withdrawn. They also suffer academically. Others point out that perpetrators of sexual harassment risk later engaging in other destructive behaviors such as domestic violence or sexual assault. There seems to be a consensus that all schools should have a comprehensive sexual harassment policy.

Advocacy groups believe it is very important for parents to know if their child’s school has a sexual harassment policy and if students are educated about the issue. Parents are also encouraged to talk to their children about these issues at home. Signs that a child may be experiencing sexual harassment include going to school late or leaving early, a rapid drop in grades, suddenly avoiding particular places within the school, or stopping after-school activities.

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