Coenzyme B is a more potent and effective form of B vitamins that provides instant energy and does not require conversion by the body. It is beneficial for older people, athletes, and those recovering from illness, and can strengthen the immune system and protect vision, skin, blood, and nerve cells. The recommended dose is 5mg per day, and users can identify the coenzyme form by looking for specific names on supplement labels.
Coenzyme B is a metabolically active form of B vitamin that combines the vitamin with apoenzymes to produce instant energy. Apoenzymes are proteins that act as catalysts to make the coenzyme form of the B vitamin much more potent and effective than the standard forms of the vitamin. Some reports suggest that coenzyme B has five times the metabolic power of regular B vitamins, which means it can speed up metabolism for increased exertion and daily activity. There are nine different B vitamins; however, vitamins B12, B6, B5, and B1 are more likely to be sold in coenzyme form. Often these four particular B vitamins are sold in coenzyme complexes with the entire family of B vitamins.
The benefit of coenzyme B is that it does not require conversion by the body to work. The energy boost from vitamin B usually occurs after the liver processes and metabolizes vitamin B, turning it into an active, bioavailable nutrient. Some people’s livers, however, do not successfully convert vitamins into active forms; This could be the result of poor nutrition, disease, or a liver disorder. In those cases, the vitamin supplements are wasted and are simply excreted during urination. Another benefit is that the energy offered by the coenzyme vitamin does not produce a one-time surge, but rather a steady increase in vigor that typically lasts throughout the day.
Older people and those recovering from illness and general lethargy generally use coenzyme B supplementation to feel more vital. This advanced form of the B vitamin is also taken by healthy people, particularly athletes and exercisers who simply want more stamina. Nutritionists claim that the supplement can strengthen the immune system. By blocking homocysteine, the main culprit in heart disease, coenzyme B can also make the heart stronger.
Coenzyme B protects and preserves vision, skin, blood, and nerve cells. Some studies suggest that it can prevent birth defects if taken by pregnant women. The standard recommended dose of coenzyme B is 5 mg per day; that suggestion is typically for 5mg B12, 5mg B6, 5mg B5, and 5mg B1.
Users make sure they are buying the coenzyme form of vitamin B by looking for its different names on supplement labels. Coenzyme forms of B12 are dibencozide or methylcobalamin; These are different from the regular form of B12, which is cyanocobalamin. Pantethine is the coenzyme form of B5. For B6, the coenzyme form is pyridoxal-5-phosphate. Cocarboxylase is the coenzyme form of B1.