Cold water immersion is a popular recovery technique used by athletes to reduce muscle soreness and pain after intense exercise. It is believed to constrict blood vessels, remove waste such as lactic acid, and slow down metabolic activity. Studies have shown mixed results, but many athletes and coaches swear by it.
Cold water immersion is a common technique that some athletes use as part of their recovery routine after intense physical exercise. Cold water is said to improve recovery speed and reduce muscle soreness and soreness after exercise. These methods are widely used but lack supporting scientific evidence.
During intense exercise, such as training, competition, or rugby and other games, tiny tears occur in the muscle fibers, called microtrauma. Although the muscle tissues are damaged, this actually helps new muscle cells to grow and promotes overall muscle growth. However, the damage comes at a price, in the form of delayed-onset muscle soreness and soreness, which typically occurs within 72 hours of intense exercise. Immersion in cold water is said to help relieve symptoms of pain and muscle pain.
Much of the pain associated with muscle microtrauma is caused by an overproduction of lactic acid. Immersion in cold water is believed to constrict blood vessels and remove waste such as lactic acid. It is also believed to help with pain by slowing down metabolic activity and all other physical processes, such as swelling and further irritation of muscle tissue.
A typical cold water immersion session is done shortly after exercise. The exact routine varies from athlete to athlete, but most people recommend a temperature of about 54 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit (12 to 15 degrees Celsius). Dive times range from five to 10 minutes, and some people will even soak in these frigid temperatures for up to 20 minutes. Many trainers and athletes also recommend alternating between hot and cold baths for best results.
Whether or not a warm bath follows the dive, the body’s natural rewarming is a key part of the recovery process. The blood vessels will relax and expand, increasing blood circulation. Increased blood circulation is believed to further speed up the recovery process and help remove more waste products. Many athletes and coaches swear by these techniques, but current science lacks evidence to support their effectiveness.
A study conducted by the International Journal of Sports Medicine in July 2008 found that immersion in cold water and alternating between cold and lukewarm baths can improve recovery times compared to immersion in hot water and complete rest. Another study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine in 2007, on the other hand, found that cold baths had no real benefit and may actually increase muscle soreness. A separate 2007 study by the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that alternating between hot and cold water immersion speeds recovery times for athletes. These studies offer inconclusive evidence because there are too many variables involved in types of exercise, water temperature, and immersion times.