What’s comfrey?

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Comfrey is a perennial herb with medicinal benefits, but internal use can cause liver toxicity. It is also used in organic gardening as a fertilizer due to its deep root system and high potassium content.

Comfrey, also known as knitbone, boneset, or common comfrey, is a perennial herb with turnip-like roots and broad, hairy leaves. The plant bears bell-shaped, white to pink or purple flowers. It is commonly used for medicinal purposes, but is also popular in organic gardening for its use as a fertilizer.
Native to Europe, comfrey prefers to grow in moist, grassy areas. It is found widely in the British Isles, growing along ditches and river banks. It grows rapidly and produces large quantities of foliage during the spring and summer. Mature plants can be harvested up to five times a year.

In herbal medicine, comfrey is known as an herb that may offer therapeutic benefits, but comes at the risk of liver toxicity. Taking any part of the plant internally can cause liver damage. In 2001, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning against its internal use. It should only be consumed under the supervision of a doctor for short periods of time. The herb is considered completely safe for external applications as poultices or ointments.

Traditionally, comfrey has been used to treat broken bones, sprains, arthritis, ulcers, burns, acne, and female reproductive problems. Medical science has proven that the herb has an effect on bone healing. This confirms the use of one of the popular popular names of comfrey, boneset. Common home remedies include ointments for external sores, teas and infusions for lung and bone ailments, and poultices for sprains, sores, burns, or blisters.

Comfrey is an astringent, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic. It helps cell growth and absorbs toxins from the intestines, regulating the intestinal flora. The plant contains antioxidant vitamins C, A, and E, and sodium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, protein, phosphorus, and B vitamins. Allantoin, tannins, saponins, and beneficial alkaloids are also found in comfrey.

In organic gardening, the beneficial use of comfrey as a fertilizer is due to its deep root system. The plant is known as a dynamic accumulator, or a plant that extracts nutrients from the soil through its roots. These nutrients are then made available in the large, broad leaves. They can be returned to the soil by using the plant itself as a fertilizer or as part of a fertilizer blend.

Comfrey is an excellent source of potassium, which is needed for flower, seed and fruit production. The leaves of the comfrey plant contain up to three times more potassium than manure. Its deep roots are able to tap into the subsoil, which is beyond the reach of most other plants.

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