Communicative action is a theory developed by Jurgen Habermas that seeks to discover universal truths and codes of conduct through systematic discussion, in order to create a just society. It challenges relativism and emphasizes the importance of recognizing others’ perspectives. The process involves adopting a universal principle, gaining approval through speech, and freely choosing to be affected by the consequences. This rational discourse can be applied to resolve conflicts and promote positive social change.
The theory of communicative action was developed by the German philosopher and sociologist Jurgen Habermas. This theory falls into the philosophical genres of epistemology, ethics and philosophy of language and can be applied to social problems and politics. Communicative action explains and sets the stage for the importance of just democracies and for justifying emancipation from authoritarian political systems.
Communicative action seeks to solve the problem of universal truths or laws as it is difficult to extend morality to all cultures due to different values and belief systems. This relativism prevents others from engaging in or judging conditions that may be inhumane or harmful to people in a local or global perspective, citing cultural differences. Communicative action claims that through systematic discussion, universal truths and appropriate codes of conduct can be discovered in such a way that all involved can reach agreement and can benefit equally.
Applied communicative action would ideally create a just society in which all members follow the golden rule of “do unto others as you would have done unto yourself”. In other words, communicative action generally relies on the ability of each to adopt the other’s individual perspectives, and from that starting point, develop actions that would have just consequences for all. Without taking another’s point of view, we risk acting out of ignorance or minimizing conditions that can cause much suffering to others.
Communicative action seeks to falsify the ideas of relativism; that every culture or community has belief systems that cannot extend universally due to cultural practices and experiences. To begin with, the theory of communicative action undermines this idea with the fundamental claim that reason is a universal capacity inherent in all human beings. It follows that if reason is the foundation of moral and ethical action, then reason alone can prescribe some universal moral truths and political laws.
The communicative action takes place systematically in the following three phases. First, the concerned members of a society or community set out to adopt a universal and impartial principle. Everyone must recognize the perspectives of others so as to create a balance of interests. Second, through speech, a moral claim can only be made if everyone approves. Finally, no one should be forced to accept a condition. They must be aware and freely choose to be affected by all the benefits and consequences that come with it.
The rational discourse that results from communicative action has a cascading effect. By establishing and expounding universal moral truths, communicative action can be applied on a smaller scale to mediate and resolve acute conflicts and crises within a group. Communicative action aims to lay the foundations for positive social change, but in the same light it opens up justifications for a community engaging with other groups where their action may be considered controversial.