Conscription is a controversial practice of forced military or labor service. It emerged during the French Revolution and is still used in some countries during times of need. Conscripts can opt out for religious or ethical reasons, and some countries offer non-military options for conscientious objectors. Conscription is expensive and can be corrupt, favoring those with money and power.
Conscription is a form of forced service. More classically, people think of it in terms of forced military service, sometimes referred to as a draft. It can also take the form of forced labor for the government, as infamously happened in Russia and China during parts of the 20th century. The practice is quite controversial, as some people believe it reduces citizens’ rights and reduces the freedom of choice to participate in activities such as wars.
The modern form of conscription emerged during the French Revolution, when the government used its power to push able-bodied men into military service. Since the French Revolution, numerous countries have adopted the practice in one way or another, and some forms are a common feature of many governments. In many countries, the practice is limited to times of need, although some countries require all of their citizens to serve in the military as young men.
Someone who has been drafted is known as a draftee, draftee, or draftee, in reference to the American Selective Service Board, which handles conscription for the United States when a draft is put in place. As a general rule, conscripts are allowed to opt out if they have religious or personal ethical beliefs against war. People who wish to avoid conscription because of their beliefs are known as conscientious objectors; depending on the government, they may be offered the option of serving in a non-military capacity or they may be excused from serving altogether.
The practice of military conscription is designed to enable countries to rapidly raise armies to meet emerging threats. Many countries prefer to rely on a volunteer army as much as possible, both because forcing people into service is expensive and time-consuming, and because volunteer soldiers tend to be more enthusiastic about their duties. However, there are times when shortages in the military force a country to resort to conscription if it wishes to continue participating in a conflict.
Conscription has historically been characterized by severe corruption. In the American Civil War, for example, conscripts could buy their way out of paid service, and people in a number of occupations were exempt. Some people have historically criticized the practice, arguing that people with money and political power can avoid it, while low-income individuals are unable to. In the Civil War, some people said that “poor guys are fighting a rich man’s war,” a reference to the unpopular practice of conscription and the politics behind the war.