Continuous process control is a method used by manufacturers to monitor and adjust mass production variables without interrupting production. Automated systems, such as programmable logic control units, can make adjustments quickly and efficiently, improving production efficiency and standards. Human supervision is still necessary for an efficient process.
Continuous process control is a method used by manufacturers to precisely control the quality or properties of a product without interrupting production to make minor process changes. Generally, whenever there is mass production, there is inevitably some kind of automation because manually inspecting the output of a continuous process can be time-consuming, ultimately reducing production. Continuous process control allows uninterrupted monitoring of the variables involved in mass production and supervision of a series of processes is the key to controlling the result. Without some control over a process in which products are created, the end results could vary greatly. Continuous process control offers the ability to change the variables that affect a finished product.
Observing a simple automated process can reveal how innovative this method can be. For example, the continuous process control method can be used on an automated assembly line producing regular fireplace bricks to ensure that the finished bricks meet certain criteria. When the bricks reach the end of the manufacturing process, an automated scale can check their weight. Any weights outside the desired specification may indicate the need for a process adjustment, such as an increase in temperature or a reduction in part of the mix.
In this scenario, a machine monitors the automated process. This machine is almost always part of a larger system known as a programmable logic control unit (PLC). The PLC unit is responsible for comparing information entered by the scale, such as the weight of a brick, against a certain set of parameters. When the PLC unit receives unacceptable information, the instructions automatically direct it to adjust certain parts or stages of continuous process control, ultimately affecting the finished product.
Automation has only increased the output of any industry that uses it. Without mass production and continuous processes, everything would require manual labor. The time it takes for a human to physically check the properties of a product and make related process changes can be detrimental to production efficiency and standards. Automated systems, especially those using PLC units, can make these decisions and adjustments in a fraction of the time it takes to make them manually.
Some simple examples of mass production variables may include weight, temperature, size or any other physical property of a given product. Maintaining the desired results often requires frequent adjustments. The mere fact that an automated process continues without any type of control can lead to excessive production costs or lower product quality. Human supervision is therefore still an integral part of an efficient continuous process control.