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What’s copyright fee?


Copyright protection laws require fees to register unique works with a government agency, offering legal benefits to copyright holders. Fees vary based on factors such as type of work and handling. The US Copyright Office provides a schedule and certificate of registration.

Countries that have enacted copyright protection laws charge copyright fees to register and register certain types of unique or creative works with a government agency. Registering a work is the process of establishing ownership and making the material a matter of public domain. These works include books, films, CDs, software programs, works of art, and other types of unique intellectual property. In the United States, the United States Office of Copyright at the Library of Congress is responsible for maintaining a copyright registry. Owners or creators of a work can apply for registration to this office.

A copyright automatically arises when a person creates an original work. You don’t have to pay copyright fees to receive a copyright. Paying copyright fees to register a work, however, offers significant legal benefits to copyright holders. These benefits are powerful incentives to register work.

For example, a person generally cannot bring a copyright infringement suit unless they have filed the work along with the copyright fee to the appropriate government agency. Second, if a copyright infringement lawsuit is successful, the copyright owner is often entitled to recover damages and attorneys’ fees. In infringement cases, statutory damages are monetary damages that a judge has the power to award for intentional copyright infringement.

Paying copyright fees to register a work also discourages copyright infringement. Potential infringers are less likely to steal someone’s intellectual property if they believe the copyright holder will take legal action to protect the work. In other words, a person who managed to register a work is more likely to go to court to protect his rights. Also, people who have registered their work are easier to contact, which allows others to pay for the right to use a particular work.

Copyright fees vary based on several factors. These include the type of job registered, whether the job is registered online versus traditional mail, whether special handling is required, or whether the applicant requires expedited service. The United States Copyright Office, for example, provides a schedule that lists the various copyright fees charged for registration.

The United States Copyright Office sends a certificate of registration to the person who paid copyright fees to register a work. The certificate will have a serial number to identify the work. The Copyright Office may refuse to register a work if the application has not been completed correctly or if the work is not eligible for registration. A person can appeal if the Copyright Office refuses to register a work.
