What’s coronary calcification?

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Coronary calcification is the buildup of plaque in the coronary arteries, which can lead to restricted blood flow and heart problems. It is caused by factors such as high blood pressure, smoking, and an unhealthy diet. Early detection and lifestyle changes can help, but advanced cases may require surgery.

Coronary calcification is a process in which the inner lining of the coronary arteries develops a layer of hard substance known as plaque. Excessive amounts of cholesterol, fat, and waste material calcify in arteries that have been weakened or damaged by smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, or a generally unhealthy diet. Coronary calcification restricts blood flow, presenting the risk of chronic chest pain, heart attacks, and eventual heart failure.

Because plaque tends to build up over years or even decades until serious health problems occur, it’s important to make healthy lifestyle choices and get regular checkups with a doctor to check for warning signs of coronary artery calcification. Coronary artery problems can be treated with cholesterol-lowering drugs if caught early, although advanced calcification may require surgery to prevent heart failure.

The medical term for the process that leads to coronary artery calcification is atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis usually begins when a coronary artery becomes damaged or irritated, which is often the result of high blood pressure, smoking, a high-cholesterol diet, or diabetes. Blood platelets begin to build up in the artery in an attempt to repair the damage, and materials such as cellular waste, cholesterol, minerals, and calcium bind to the platelets. Over time, the calcium causes the rest of the material to harden into plaque that continues to build up and restrict blood flow.

Atherosclerosis usually occurs slowly over many years before an individual begins to notice symptoms. Restricted blood flow can lead to chest pain, numbness in the extremities, and a dangerous drop in blood pressure. Left untreated, an individual with atherosclerosis can suffer a heart attack or heart failure as the arteries become so clogged that very little blood can pass through. The chance of heart problems increases if a clot forms in the arteries and cuts off blood flow completely.

Doctors usually check for signs of coronary artery calcification by conducting a physical exam, asking questions about a patient’s medical and family history, and drawing blood for lab tests. A doctor may also do electrocardiograms or computed tomography scans to check for blockages in the coronary arteries. If problems are caught early, a patient may be able to find relief by adopting a healthy diet and exercise routine, avoiding smoking and alcohol, taking cholesterol-lowering medications, and scheduling regular checkups to monitor progress . Progressive coronary calcification, however, often requires surgery to prevent life-threatening complications.

The most common surgeries to reverse atherosclerosis are angioplasty and bypass procedures. An angioplasty involves inserting a tube and balloon into the damaged artery. The balloon is expanded within the tube to open up the artery, then removed and replaced with a stent to prevent collapse and further calcification. In a bypass procedure, a healthy blood vessel is pulled from another part of the body and grafted in place of the damaged coronary artery. After surgery, a patient who is able to maintain a healthy lifestyle is usually relieved of symptoms and able to engage in regular activities.

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