What’s customer satisfaction analysis?

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Customer satisfaction analysis uses surveys to identify behaviors that lead to happy or unhappy customers. Companies can use the data to identify trends and implement changes to retain customers, improve profits, and identify areas for improvement. Follow-up surveys and addressing weaknesses can help improve customer loyalty and reduce negative perceptions.

A customer satisfaction analysis uses data collected through a survey or questionnaire to identify behaviors that lead to happy or unhappy customers. Through a customer satisfaction analysis, companies can identify trends that cause dissatisfaction and implement changes to retain current customers. Analyzing survey results can also reveal profit impacts and provide a basis for improvement. Information from a customer satisfaction analysis can identify individual employees or departments and rank percentages of content customers.

To make the information useful, the survey itself must be created to provide statistical data for analysis. Management can define research objectives and create methods to compare results. A detailed questionnaire can make information more meaningful during a customer satisfaction analysis. An area for customer comments can provide additional information to identify trends in satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

Savvy business owners often find that it costs more to recruit new customers than it does to retain existing ones. A customer satisfaction analysis can identify weaknesses in services or products that drive customers away. This information can be used to change staff behaviors causing customer issues. Examining survey results can provide managers with insight into customer sentiment.

Loyal customers tend to buy more and send referrals to a company or brand. A bad experience could mean a potential loss of future business, especially if angry customers spread their displeasure via Internet social media sites. A customer satisfaction analysis can identify sources of negative perceptions. Data can also identify areas that customers view positively.

Customer retention rates and their impact on profits can be graphed to provide a visual picture based on percentages. These numbers can reveal dissatisfaction trends and correlate the data with customer loyalty. Customer retention rates can also be compared to estimated competitor rates, tracked over time.

Findings from a customer satisfaction survey can help management develop action plans to address weaknesses and identify people responsible for improving statistics. Frequent process evaluation usually keeps you on track. A follow-up survey can indicate whether efforts have produced the intended results.

Some companies contact every unhappy customer as part of a customer survey analysis. They might offer a discount on a product in hopes of keeping the customer. Management can also inform the client of any changes resulting from the data extracted from the questionnaire. These efforts can reduce the spread of discontent to a wider audience.

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