Daidzein, a phytochemical found in soybeans and other plants, is a polyphenol in the flavonoid class of isoflavones. It has been studied for its antioxidant activity and anticancer effects, particularly for hormone-based cancers. Soy products are important components of Asian diets and have been linked to lower rates of prostate and breast cancer. Daidzein may also protect against bone loss and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat alcoholism. While daidzein supplements are marketed for prostate protection, it is best to consult a doctor before taking any herbal supplements.
Daidzein is a phytochemical found in soybeans, peas, and other plants, such as kudzu and red clover. It is a polyphenol in a class of flavonoids known as isoflavones. Soy isoflavones have been extensively studied for their effects on human health. These include antioxidant activity and protection against various types of cancer.
The major soy isoflavones include daidzein and genistein. These types of compounds are similar in structure to estrogen from a mammal. They also bind to estrogen receptors on animal and human cells. Therefore, they are known as phytoestrogens or plant estrogens. They have been implicated as anticancer agents for hormone-based cancers, such as breast and prostate cancer.
Soybeans and soy products, such as soy flour, tofu, and soy milk, are important components of Asian diets. Prostate and breast cancer rates are much lower in countries like Japan compared to the West. When Japanese men immigrated to the United States and switched to American diets, their rates of prostate cancer rose sharply. It is presumed that this could be due to switching from a soy-based diet. Studies comparing people’s diets to their cancer rates have found a correlation between soy consumption and reduced levels of prostate cancer.
Laboratory studies have also shown daidzein to have antitumor effects against cancers of the pancreas, colon, cervix, prostate, and breast. Several different types of studies have reported that soy isoflavones protected against breast cancer. Asian women have lower rates of breast cancer than Western women. As with men, population studies have shown that when Asian women move to the West, differences in breast cancer rates disappear after changing their diet.
Another effect of daidzein is that it causes bone cells to grow in laboratory studies. This suggests that it might be useful in protecting against the bone loss that occurs in women during menopause as hormone levels decline. The hormone estrogen has been used to help prevent bone loss, but research shows that it has many undesirable side effects.
Kudzu root is used to make a traditional herbal medicine called Radix puerariae (RP). This contains daidzein. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat alcoholism, among other things. There is some evidence, from animal studies, that this isoflavone might have some effects against alcoholism.
Daidzein supplements are marketed for the protection of the prostate. However, it is not clear how well they work. A doctor should always be consulted before taking any herbal supplements, as they often interact with prescription drugs or other herbs. It may be best to get daidzein by eating soy products.