“Lie low” means to hide or keep a low profile, often confused with “relax”. The difference between “lie” and “layman” is often overlooked in casual conversation, but important in formal use. The phrase originates from combat maneuvers and has been used since the 13th century. “Lie” and “lay” are often used interchangeably, but “lay” requires an object. “Lie low” is commonly used in movies and TV shows, but can also be used to avoid questions or the press.
“Lie low” is a common English expression, meaning to hide or keep a low profile. It is often confused with the expression “relax”, which has a completely different meaning. The words “lie” and “layman” and related expressions often cause confusion, because the two verbs have similar forms and meanings. The difference between “layman” and “lie” is often overlooked in informal uses, such as casual conversation. For formal use, however, it is important to distinguish between the two words.
The expression “keep low” means to keep hidden, metaphorically or literally. The phrase originates from a common combat maneuver where a person under fire will hide in a low area such as a ditch or trench. A person lying low is less of a target for an enemy and is often protected by the surrounding terrain. “Lie low” has been used as an English phrase since the 13th century. It appears in Shakespeare’s play Much Ado About Nothing, which was first performed around 1599.
The saying “to lie down” is almost as old, but its meaning is practically the exact opposite of “to lie down”. To knock someone down means to knock them down or, as was sometimes used in antiquity, to kill them. This can be a helpful reminder of the key difference between “lie” and “laymen.” “Lay” requires an object; that is, it is done to someone or something else. For example, a gangster on the run may hide to avoid detection; when faced with a catch, he can knock someone down to escape.
“Lie” and “lay” are often used interchangeably in conversation, to the consternation of English teachers around the world. A popular belief holds that “lie” always refers to people and “layman” refers only to objects, but this is incorrect. Sources that trace informal usage, such as the online Urban Dictionary, give the same definition of “relax” as of “retreat.” In casual conversation, most people will understand that the phrase means “to hide,” regardless of the verb used. In formal use, however, including business correspondence, writing for publication, and classwork, the distinction between verbs is important.
“Lie low” commonly appears in the dialogue of criminals and outlaws in movies and TV shows. It has less pressing uses, however. A person who has just been through a messy breakup or awkward situation might keep quiet to avoid questions from curious friends. A public figure can do the same to avoid the press after a scandal. In a world of ever-present electronic social media, simply logging off for a while can have the effect of staying hidden.