What’s DWI Expungement?

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DWI Purge is a legal process to erase or destroy a criminal record related to a DWI offense. A DWI conviction has direct and indirect consequences, making it difficult for a person to get a job, join the military, or get approved for a loan. The policy behind DWI elimination law is to give individuals a second chance. The extent of deletion depends on the jurisdiction.

Drunk Driving Purge (DWI) is a legal process for sealing, erasing, or destroying a criminal record related to a DWI offense. A conviction for this crime results in a criminal record that creates harmful consequences for a person’s entire life. Some places have laws that allow courts to grant individuals the purging of their criminal records. The procedure for elimination is contained in the local statutes. To qualify for a DWI elimination, a person must meet the eligibility requirements set forth by law.

A DWI conviction has direct and indirect consequences. Direct consequences include jail time, payment of a fine, loss of driver’s license, and completion of probation. After a person fulfills these penalties, the person will also suffer indirect consequences because he has a criminal record.

The collateral consequences that a person suffers due to a criminal record are severe. A criminal record often prevents a person from getting a job or joining the military. Some higher education institutions also deny individuals acceptance into their schools. Auto insurance companies raise the rates substantially for a person with a DWI record. This is a significant problem for people on lower incomes.

The policy behind a DWI elimination law is to give individuals the opportunity for a second chance. It allows people a fresh start in life. Without a clean record, it is extremely difficult for a person to get a job, get into a good school, or get approved for a loan.

A DWI expungement entitles a person to avoid legally disclosing their conviction. He or she can legally deny a conviction on job applications. Companies that do background checks will find no record of a conviction.
The laws on expungement will be different. Some jurisdictions may not allow courts to erase DWI records. If a jurisdiction allows a DWI purge, a person usually must initiate the process by petitioning the court requesting a purge order. The court will then consider whether the person meets the requirements contained in the expungement law. If a person meets the legal requirements, the court issues an order granting a deportation.

The extent of the deletion will depend on the jurisdiction. A true DWI deportation would require all government agencies that maintain records relating to a DWI or driving under the influence (DUI) conviction to destroy those records. This means that no entity could ever access these records for any reason. A DWI purge could also just mean that the records are sealed and a court could reopen them for the purpose of convicting an individual on subsequent DWI or DUI convictions.

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