DWI is driving while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs, which can result in jail time, fines, and license suspension. Probation may be given instead of prison time, with restrictions such as regular meetings with a probation officer, counseling, and drug/alcohol testing. Offenders may also have a special device installed on their car to prevent drunk driving.
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense which means that a person drives while intoxicated due to the use of alcohol or drugs. A DWI charge can result in penalties that include jail time, fines, and driver’s license suspension. In some cases, however, judges may give an offender probation instead of prison time. When a person is given DWI probation, they are allowed to remain in the community, but are under the supervision of a probation officer and are subject to mandatory restrictions. This may include the suspension of the driving license and the requirement to remain in the jurisdiction throughout the probationary period.
Typically, DWI probation requires that the DWI offender meet regularly with a probation officer. The exact timing in which an individual must meet with a probation officer may depend on the jurisdiction in which he committed the crime and the particular charge on which he was convicted. An individual may need to visit his probation officer’s office for these meetings, but in some cases his probation officer may also have the right to visit him at his home or workplace. In fact, a probation officer usually has the right to show up at an offender’s home without warning.
There are many restrictions that can be placed on an offender during his probation. For example, he will likely be prevented from leaving the jurisdiction for any reason unless he has obtained permission from his probation officer. He may also lose the right to leave a job or change jobs without his probation officer’s approval. A person who is on DWI probation is typically also restricted from using drugs and alcohol and must stay away from places where drugs or alcohol are served or used. An individual on DWI probation may also have their license suspended or may be restricted to driving only during the day for the purpose of getting to work or school.
Counseling may also be requested as part of the DWI test. For example, a person granted this type of probation may be required to undergo alcohol and substance abuse counseling and treatment. Sometimes a person on DWI probation is also required to attend classes related to her crime. For example, you may be required to complete a drunk driving course or workshop.
While an individual is on DWI probation, they may also face drug or alcohol testing, with or without warning. This essentially means that he is required to undergo drug or alcohol testing at any time. Sometimes a person who has been convicted of a DWI offense must also have a special device installed on her car. He has to breathe in it before he can start his car. If the device determines that its alcohol levels are above a certain amount, the ignition will not work.