Dysphoria is an unpleasant mood associated with mental illnesses such as depression, bipolar disorder, and personality disorders. It can be short-lived or chronic, and treatment varies depending on the underlying condition. Treatment may include therapy, medication, relaxation techniques, and behavior modification practices.
Dysphoria refers to a general unpleasant mood and is often associated with mental illnesses and conditions, including mania, depression, bipolar disorder, general anxiety disorder, and personality disorders. The term can refer to many different types of mental states or moods, including anxiety, sadness, or discomfort. In some cases, dysphoria is short-lived, such as when mood or feelings occur in response to a life event, even during times of pain or high stress. When the condition co-occurs with a mental illness, treatment may be needed to relieve the associated symptoms and stabilize the patient’s mood.
Common causes of dysphoria include depression, mania and bipolar disorder. Patients diagnosed with these mental disorders often experience unpleasant symptoms that contribute to an overall unpleasant mood. Depressed patients often experience fatigue, insomnia, irritability, and general feelings of sadness or hopelessness. Mania is characterized by confusion, foggy or racing thoughts, restlessness, delusions, and sometimes hallucinations. Patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder often experience symptoms of both mania and depression at different intervals.
Personality disorders often lead to dysphoria. These disorders cause patients to behave in ways considered abnormal in their cultures and societies, which can lead to feelings of sadness, isolation, and other unpleasant situations that contribute to dysphoria. Personality disorders vary widely in symptoms and severity, but most patients diagnosed with these disorders require ongoing mental health care to help them change behaviors and manage symptoms. The most common types of personality disorders include obsessive-compulsive disorder, paranoid personality disorder, and histrionic personality disorder, characterized by attention-seeking and an abnormal need for approval and praise.
Treatment for dysphoria is varied and depends on the underlying condition or the circumstances causing the condition. For many people, the condition resolves on its own as life circumstances improve or become less stressful. Patients diagnosed with mental illness or suffering from chronic dysphoria often require ongoing therapy or mental treatment to manage their symptoms. Psychiatric professionals work with patients to help them develop relaxation techniques to manage anxiety symptoms and behavior modification practices, such as switching focus or engaging in gentle exercises, to combat situations in which they feel particularly sad or upset.
In some cases, patients diagnosed with mental illness may require medications, such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications, to help them manage their symptoms. Psychiatric drugs can have unpleasant side effects and can interact with other medications the patient is currently taking. Patients who have been prescribed psychiatric drugs to manage symptoms of dysphoria should be monitored regularly by doctors to adjust their dosages and help them cope with side effects, if necessary.