Economic analysis examines market statistics and indicators to determine resource allocation plans, and can be used to gain insight into the current state of an economy. It involves collecting resource data, understanding recent economic history, and can be used to set and achieve future economic goals. It is used in both the private and public sectors.
Economic analysis is the process of examining market statistics and indicators to determine possible plans for resource allocation. The analysis can be geared towards developing a specific economic plan or policy, or it can be used to gain insight into the current state of an economy. In order to perform a basic economic analysis, it is important to understand the relationship between resources and needs, the recent history of the economy in question, and goals or forecasts for the near future.
The first step of an economic analysis often involves collecting resource data. These resources can include intangible concepts, such as labor and time, as well as tangible items such as money or possessions. Understanding how best to allocate scarce resources is often the primary function of economic analysis, as efficient allocation can lead to a stable or growing economy and a balance between resources and needs. The data needed for resource analysis might include population information, gross production statistics, and details of labor and wage laws that can affect maximum cost and amount of work.
Understanding the recent history of an industry, region, or national economy can greatly affect the results of your economic analysis. A country in the midst of a war will generally have very different economic factors at work than a country emerging from a recession. The recent history of the matter can affect resource allocation, prices, production maxima, and just about any other factor that plays an important role in the analysis. In addition to examining past economic events that may affect a study, it’s also important to examine local, national, and global events that can also change the interpretation of the data.
Economic analysis can sometimes be done simply to explain the current state of a specific economy, but it can also be done as part of an attempt to set and achieve future economic goals. For example, if a government anticipates imminent food shortages, it may want to start subsidizing agriculture to help reduce the economic risk of a shortage. By conducting economic analysis, he may be able to determine how to create subsidies and assistance programs that best suit the situation without straining financial resources.
The business of economic analysis is huge, both in the private and public sectors. A small business or large corporation might require an analysis to determine needs to expand or shrink, plan new product lines, or examine the costs versus benefits of entering a new global market. In the public sector, governments often have entire offices devoted to in-depth economic analysis, measuring everything from grain production to the ripple effect caused by another nation’s economic woes.